NASHVILLE, Tenn. — More than a year before AnthonyWarnerdetonateda bombindowntownNashville onChristmas, officersvisited his home after his girlfriend told police he was building bombs in an RV trailer at his residence, accordingtodocumentsobtainedbyTheAssociated Press. Butthey did not makecontactwithhimorsee inside his RV.

Officers were called to Pamela Perry’s home in Nashville on Aug. 21, 2019, following a report from her attorneythatshewasmaking suicidal threats while sitting on her front porch with firearms, theMetropolitanNashville Police Department said in an emailed statement Tuesday.

According to the incident report, when officers arrived, police said she had two unloaded pistols beside her on the porch. She told them the guns belonged to “Tony Warner” and she did not want them in the house any longer. Perry, then 62, was then transported for a psychological evaluation after speaking to mental health professionals on the phone.

The report says police went to Warner’s home, about 1 ½ miles from Perry’s home, but he didn’t answer the door when they knocked repeatedly. They saw the RV in the backyard, the report said, but the yard was fenced off and officers couldn’t see inside the vehicle.

The report said there also were “several security cameras and wires attached to an alarm sign on the front door” of the home. Officers thennotifiedsupervisorsand detectives.

“They saw no evidence of a crime and had no authority to enter his home or fenced property,” the police statement said.

Law enforcement officials did not publicly release the report, but instead it was revealed only after news outlets submitted public records requests. Later, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation announced that Warner’s only arrest was for a 1978 marijuana-related charge.

David Rausch, the TBI’s director, had told reporters this week that Warner was not on their radar. Rausch was flanked by federal and state officials who did not object or amend the statement.

Nashville Police Chief John Drake later told reportersWednesdaythathedidn’t learn of the report until late Sunday evening, but said he believed his officers that there was no probable cause for a search warrant.

“I believe the officers did everythingtheycouldlegally.

Maybe they could have followed up more, hindsight is 20/20,” Drake said, adding that Warner had a “squeaky clean” background outside ofthedecades-oldmarijuana charge.

News that Warner’s formergirlfriendhadtriedto alertauthoritieshemayhave beenbuildingbombscameas federal agents were continuingtoexamineWarner’sdigital footprint and writings, a lawenforcementofficialsaid.

Investigatorsarealsoscrutinizing whether Warner believed in multiple conspiracy theories after being told bysomeofthepeoplethey’ve interviewed that Warner believed that shape-shifting reptiles take on a human form to take over society and that he discussed taking trips to hunt aliens, the official said. Investigators have also been asking witnesses whether Warner may have believed in any conspiracies A vehicle destroyed after a bomb exploded on Christmas Day sits on a street Tuesday in Nashville, Tennessee. The bomber died in the blast. MARK HUMPHREY/AP about 5G technology.

The official could not discuss the investigation publicly and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.

The report also said attorney Raymond Throckmorton told officers that day that he represented Warner and told officers Warner “frequently talks about the military and bomb making,” the police report said. Warner “knows what he is doing and is capable of making a bomb,” Throckmorton told responding officers.

On Tuesday, ThrockmortontoldTheTennesseanthat Perry had fears about her safety and thought Warner might harm her.

After officers visited Warner’s home in August 2019, the police department’s hazardous devices unit was given a copy of the police report. During the weekof August26, 2019, they contacted Throckmorton.

Police said officers recalled Throckmorton saying Warner “did not care for the police,” and that he wouldn’t allow Warner “to permit a visual inspection of the RV.”

Throckmorton disputes telling police they couldn’t search the vehicle and says that he only represented Warnerinacivilcaseseveral years prior.

“Somebody, somewhere dropped the ball,” he said.

Drake said he believed the officers’ account.

A day after officers visited Warner’s home, the police report and identifying information about Warner were senttotheFBItochecktheir databases and determine whether Warner had prior military connections, police said.

Later that day, the police department said “the FBI reported back that they checked their holdings and found no records on Warner at all.”

Six days later, “the FBI reported that Department of Defense checks on Warner were all negative,” the police department said.

No other information about Warner came to the department or the FBI’s attention after August 2019, police said.