MARINA >> Utility work will require that traffic be halted for a time this weekend along a route of the Imjin Parkway Widening and Roundabout Project.

The Transportation Agency for Monterey County, and the city of Marina, issued a traffic alert that states Pacific Gas and Electric Company will be working to relocate overhead lines and remove old utility poles, requiring the traffic stoppage. Imjin Parkway between Reservation Road and Abrams Drive will see traffic halted for at least 15 minutes this Saturday. The stoppage is expected to occur sometime between 9 a.m. and noon.

This closure is necessary while PG&E brings in a new line across the roadway, and as soon as the line is across the roadway, traffic will be restored, according to TAMC.

Jeff Krebs of Harris & Associates will be on site to monitor the work and can be reached at 831-444-1431.

The Imjin Parkway project is a two-year effort to widen and increase safety on an artery linking the Monterey Peninsula and Salinas Valley for about 30,000 daily motorists through the city of Marina.

The project will affect 1.7 miles of Imjin Parkway from Reservation Road to Imjin Road and will include the construction of four roundabouts and increase the stretch of roadway to four lanes.

Construction began Feb. 12 and is anticipated to complete by the end of June 2026.

In the next few days until Oct. 11, Imjin Parkway Widening and Roundabout Project work will include the continued installing of streetlight and fiber optic conduit, and irrigation service lines between Marina Heights Drive and Imjin Road.

Grading work and installation of base rock for the roadway section between Marina Heights Drive and Imjin Road will also continue, as well as the grading and installation of base material for the bike path between Abrams and Marina Heights drives.

Work will also continue on installing a curb and gutter, and a median curb between Abrams and Marina Heights drives.

Storm drain work will begin on Imjin Road, along with forming a curb and gutter, and a sidewalk at Marina Heights Drive and Imjin Road.

Environmental monitoring of contractor activities job wide will also continue.

This Saturday PG&E is scheduled to move overhead lines to new poles and remove old poles between Reservation Road and Preston Drive.

Night work is planned for the installation of storm drain and water facilities crossing at the Army Reserve and Abrams Drive.

This work will be scheduled for the week of Oct. 7 or Oct. 14, depending on work progress next week. Additional information will be provided as soon as possible.

Night work is anticipated to pave a transition roadway west of Preston Drive.

This transition will move traffic from the new roadway west of Preston Drive back over to the existing traffic lanes on the south side of the concrete barriers.

This work is tentatively scheduled for the last week of October. A specific date has not yet been determined.

TAMC will provide more specific information when dates and times are scheduled.

The enforceable speed limit through the construction zone is 25 mph. Preston Drive will be closed at Imjin Parkway until late October.

Visit the project website at or contact Edrie De Los Santos, city of Marina, at 831.884.1212.