Washington Park Zoo in Michigan City opened in 1928 and celebrated a 90th birthday in 2018.

But it’s still brand new to Lisa Springman, 61, of Hobart.

“I’ve been in this area my whole life and have never been to this zoo until today,” said Springman, who decided to pick a June day to welcome both summer and her first Northwest Indiana zoo adventure with her family.

“I’m surprised by how many animals there are and also how up and close you can get to the lions and tigers. This zoo feels both big and small at the same time, which is great compared to having too much walking to be able to see everything.”

Springman’s surprise and observations are not unusual according to Jamie Huss, the zoo director responsible for the more than 90 species at Washington Park Zoo, which has a population of more than 200 animals ranging from big cats and zebras to otters, alligators, rare birds, bears and a variety of other four legged and winged wonders.

Huss, 44, is a third-generation zookeeper and began helping at the zoo at the age of 8, observing her mom Jan Weinig, who is now retired.

Huss, who manages 15 employees, said both new guests and returning patrons are fascinated by the history of the zoo, including many forgotten secrets associated with the zoo, which have reemerged in the past year after research for the birthday celebration.

“When zoo patrons arrive through the gate, the first thing they see is the large fountain and statue in honor of Jake, the bear who was our first animal, who retired from his circus life and then remained at the zoo right up until the 1960s when he passed,” Huss said.

“Jake has become a legend and most people know his story. But there are still so many other interesting forgotten facts about the zoo that amaze people.”

While Washington Park Zoo is owned by the city of Michigan City, it also governed by a support board and donations.

“There are many people who have fond memories of this zoo because of school field trips while growing up,” Huss said.

“Sometimes it’s our guests who contribute their stories and memories to our archives and help answer questions about a bit of history that might have been forgotten.”

Here are 10 favorite hidden gems and secrets of Washington Park Zoo:

1. The zoo was launched in 1928 and had immediate need for growth and expansion, and it faced the challenges of limited resources for construction materials because of onset of the Great Depression. President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal and the creation of the Work Progress Administration supplied labor, but the governing zoo board had to be resourceful, especially locating steel. Huss said records indicate any salvaged steel donated or acquired for the zoo used to be “hidden” and disguised under piles of animal manure to prevent it from being confiscated for other city projects at the time.

2. Washington Park Zoo holds the distinction of having the most WPA structures in the state of Indiana. From the limestone walls and winding walkways to the barns and the gothic medieval architecture, all of the WPA designs used salvaged and repurposed materials.

3. Most of the animals in the Washington Park Zoo collection are donated or rescued finds, from the parakeets in the aviaries to wounded eagles and wolves who now have a safe and comfortable haven. “Early on, even a lot of the exotic animals were rescued or donated from owners,” Huss said. “There was a time decades ago when it wasn’t uncommon to be able to order pet snakes, alligators, parrots and even deer from the Sears catalog.”

4. From the 1960s to the mid-1970s, one of the zoo’s most popular attractions was a large chimpanzee named CJ who took delight in spitting from his cage at large groups of children gathered on field trips. He was moved in 1978 to another zoo as part of a breeding program.

5. The stone lookout tower first erected in the 1930s continues to be a popular draw to visitors willing to scale the 220 steps to the top of this steel and limestone focal point designed by famed architect Fred Ahlgrim in an art deco style. Huss said it once served as on observation tower during the war to spot what was thought to be a threat of possible enemy submarines in Lake Michigan.

6. Elephants remained part of the animal family at Washington Park Zoo until 1989, when the elephants were moved to zoos with larger landscapes.

7. The zoo’s unique castle focal point was built in 1937 as a structure replica of the official insignia of the U.S Army Corps of Engineers. The castle, which now houses the small mammal displays, is one of the zoo’s 11 structures on the National Register of Historic Places.

8. Newly installed gardens and miniature structures nestled within the landscape are intended to help increased the “pollinator population” with clever “butterfly hotels” and natural blooming incentives planted to lure insect friends.

9. The spur-thighed land tortoises at Washington Park Zoo not only rank as some of the oldest inhabitants of the zoo, but they also measure up as the third-largest species of land tortoise in the world.

10. With only 15 employees at Washington Park Zoo, the zoo relies on a volunteer program which is vital to the zoo’s operations. Any adult with a passion for animals is welcome to help and no prior experience is necessary. Even just a few hours dedicated per month helps the zoo staff and the animal inhabitants.

Philip Potempa is a freelance reporter for the Post-Tribune.

When: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily from April 1 to Oct. 31

Where: 115 Lakeshore Drive, Michigan City

Cost: $8 for adults, $7 for seniors, $6 children ages 3-11 and free to children 2 and younger. Parking is $8

Information: 219-873-1510; www.washingtonparkzoo.com