Transfiguration of our Lord Ukrainian Catholic Church welcomes everyone to its 16th annual Myasopusna celebration, a pre-Lenten event, to be held on Meatfare (Myasopusna) from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 23.

A dinner of holubtsi (stuffed cabbage), kobasa, ham, varenyky (Transfiguration pierogi), kapusta (sauerkraut), blackbread and dessert will be served at the church’s banquet hall at 240 Center Street, Hanover section of Nanticoke. Doors open at noon.

Ukrainian and other beverages will be available.

Dinner is followed by entertainment at 1:30 p.m. with the singing of the United States and Ukrainian national anthems and the Kazka Ukrainian Folk Ensemble and St. Mary’s Traditional Ukrainian Dancers, both based in Allentown, with members also from Maryland and Washington, D.C.

There will be a a variety of Ukrainian crafts, books, embroidered clothing, and gift items for sale, plus a basket raffle, through 4 p.m.

Dinner tickets are $25 with limited seating and are only being sold in advance this year. No tickets will be sold at the door but can be purchased by calling and leaving a message at 570-735-4654 or 570-735-1901.