The staff at the Roseville Public Library is preparing to create a temporary library ahead of a planned interior renovation of the building later this year.

Plans call for the library on Kelly Road, just south of Common Road near Roseville City Hall, to be closed to the public from Monday, March 31 through Saturday, April 5. That’s when the staff will move operations into the Erin Meeting Room of the existing library.

It’s the first major facelift for the library in more than 25 years, according to Jason Novetsky, a marketing librarian.

“This new renovation project will help to bring the library in line with the contemporary needs and expectations of the community,” Novetsky said in a news release.

Although the building will be closed to the public, library services will be available throughout the week of March 31-April 5 with limited hours. Library hours for that week will be 1-5 p.m. on Monday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday.

People will be able to call the library with reference questions, hold requests, and any other queries. The library will also provide curbside service for pickup of materials during the same hours, and can provide printing and faxing services, according to the release.

On Monday, April 7, the temporary library will open and be in operation during regular library hours throughout the building project.

The rest of the library building will remain closed during the time the renovations take place. However, most library services will continue as the limited space allows, officials said in the release.

Work on the building is expected to begin in early June or July and last six to 12 months, Novetsky said Friday.

Financing for the library upgrade comes from a $20 million, 30-year bond approved by voters in November 2023.

The municipal facilities bond proposal was passed by voters on a 60.1%-to 39.9% margin, or 2,325 to 1,543, according to the Macomb County Clerk’s Office.

In addition to the library, the bond program included funding for:

• Repairs to both fire stations on Common and Frazho roads

• Upgrades to the Department of Public Works, 39th District Court, and other buildings

• Improvements to city parks including a splash pad

• Acquiring land for future construction

For information and periodic updates, library patrons are encouraged to subscribe to an email list and newsletter, which can be done from the homepage of the facility’s website

More information is available by calling 586-445-5407 or via email at