Center Line High School was temporarily placed in a lockdown mode Thursday while authorities searched the building for a possible weapon, according to school officials.

No weapon was found, although a student was taken into police custody, said Center Line Public Schools Superintendent Joseph Haynes.

In a letter addressed to parents and guardians, Haynes said the search was prompted by a parent who shared a photo of a social media post that “led viewers to believe” that a student had a weapon at the high school on Arsenault Street in the area of Loraine Avenue and 11 Mile Road.

School officials said the Center Line Department of Public Safety was immediately contacted. A student of interest was questioned and taken into police custody.

Police “felt it was necessary to search the building as a precautionary measure,” Haynes said in the letter. “The school was placed in lockdown during sixth hour and members of local police departments and canine units searched the building.”

It was unknown Thursday night what the disposition was of the student who was taken custody. A phone call to the public safety department was not immediately returned.

Center Line High School was to be open for classes Friday.

School leaders said as a reminder that making threats, even false ones, or posting threatening pictures against a school, or person, can result in criminal charges, including fines and prison.

“Please talk to your students about appropriate use of social media and the serious consequences of making threats against schools,” Haynes said. “There is nothing acceptable or funny about making threats against a school, and the consequences are very severe. “

Students can anonymously report concerning and unsafe situations using the state’s OK2SAY student safety program. Students can file information via text, phone call, online, or through an app.

Center Line Public Schools officials expressed their thanks to the police department, neighboring police departments, the school resource officer, and school administrators for their “quick and professional response” in Thursday’s incident.