What's Quickly? It's where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email quickly@post-trib.com.

Go, Cubs, Go. We finally did it! What a team, what fans. It just doesn't get any better than this.

If Trump is elected and runs the country as a business ... Day 1:Files bankruptcy. Day 2: Fires Congress. Day 3: Finds he can't do either and quits.

If Congress had instead done something to improve Obamacare each of the 60-plus times it voted to repeal it, we would have something awesome that works for everyone.

I find the right's willingness to accept Trump's bloviating about nascent religiosity astounding. If a Democrat ever tried to pull that, they'd be calling for literal blood. It amazes me the lengths the right will go to to avoid voting for anyone even remotely progressive if they have someone who is superficially — even obviously falsely — conservative in comparison. They shall be their own undoing.

I like to start out my day by reading the Quickly column in the Post-Tribune. It always makes me feel good about myself, because, after reading many of the comments, I realize that the world is full of people far dumber than I am.

Trump has a habit of singling out a reporter at his rallies and accusing them of not reporting things accurately. What he means is, they are not positively embellishing everything about him and it infuriates him.

Whatever has happened to Halloween? As a kid, I remember the fun of going trick-or-treating, but the kids today miss out on this. On my block we were the only house with lights on. I love to see the kids and don't mind the least bit giving them candy, and I am a senior on a limited income. If I can do it, so could you. I understand the fear there is now but it is a shame.

Just wondering if the county is ever going to manage enough money to fix Park Avenue in Wheeler. It is like a washboard, and has been for a few years now. A county truck goes on it every so often. Does he not see the condition of it and report the need for repairs?

I only read half of my email and skim through most of the ones I do read. I can't think of anything more boring than reading thousands of someone else's email.

Your vote matters. Send a message to the big Repub money and the pols who support Pavilion Partners bid to take over Dunes State Park. Give Soliday a holiday. No, no to Charbonneau. John Gregg will stop this debacle while Holcolmb has pledged to deliver on Pence's failed policies. Change starts with your vote.

This rage against Hillary is ridiculous. All of these old white guys who feel so intimidated by this intelligent woman need to find another way to feel superior.

Republicans have already began signaling more obstructionism on current and future vacancies on the Supreme Court. What, only Republican presidents get to nominate judges?

Umpires are like meteorologists: 50 percent accuracy is good enough for job retention. Right, Joe West?

I wonder if the robbery at Chase is a copycat from earlier this year in May. Handed a note, shown a handgun, and it was at the same Chase bank.

Pipeline explosion in Alabama drives up Alabama gasoline prices by 15 cents per gallon. Northwest Indiana gasoline prices go up 20 cents per gallon in sympathy.

