What’s Quickly? It’s where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email quickly@post-trib.com.

When you see innocent kids being ripped from their parents, tossed in cages, sleeping on concrete floors, being denied toothbrushes and soap and your first response is, “Well, they came here illegally,” then we don’t have a difference of political opinion. We have a difference of morality.

The redistricting plans in several Republican-controlled states were “clearly partisan,” Supreme Court conservatives agree, but (yawn) so what? It’s up to voters and “their elected representatives” to fix it, not the courts. I guess you mean the representatives elected by the hand-picked voters supplied by the self-same gerrymandering process they’re supposed to fix? And these are the smartest legal minds in the land? It’s officially time for total despair.

The Supreme Court called the Trump administrations attempt to add the citizenship question on the 2020 census “contrived and a distraction.” Very well said, and thank you for pointing that out.

The sad fact is that even if these immigrant children do get asylum, what has their education been like? They are not going to school now, and how will they function with no formal education? How do their parents plan to make a living if they are allowed into the country?

The July 1 cover story in Time Magazine is how the moron plans to keep the White House. I can save them a lot of newsprint by telling his plans in 13 words: lie, cheat, blame others for what you have said or done, and name-call. These are the only things this illiterate man-child knows.

The NRATV is over and done. I am donating 25,000 thoughts and prayers to their GoFundMe account. Maybe that should make them feel better.

The president is saying “I’ve had so many people come to me and say, sir, I can’t join you on Twitter.” The problem is that Twitter has removed the Russian bots, and the conspiracy theorists, so the number of Trump’s followers have dropped dramatically, and that bothers him, because numbers and ratings are everything to him.

Having a personal, hateful grudge against the law enforcement community, one should be careful to never call them in an emergency, lest one be a hypocrite. Police officers, utility workers, everybody complains about them till you need their help. Then it’s a different story.

A waitress at a Chicago bar spit at Eric Trump while serving him. I think that is a very disgusting thing to do. He tried to say that it emphasized a sickness and desperation and the fact that they are winning. No, this family needs to understand that the majority of Americans do not agree with them. Life outside of their bubble is going to be really hard. Venturing outside of their gated communities and private clubs, and events, is an entire world of people that are not your sycophants. Get used to this.

Does it ever end? At what point does it end? Trump complained about Mueller testifying. This coming from the guy who has interfered, stalled, and obstructed every single thing. Why, yes, of course, when will it ever end?

If Gaetz, Meadows, Jordan, Gohmert and Nunes get the pleasure of cross-examining Robert Mueller during his testimony, it will be the height of incompetency, considering they claim to have not even read the report.

Trump is living proof that a con man doesn’t have to be smart if his victims are stupid enough.

Here we go again, and the pattern is predictable. Air Force One has barely landed at the G-20 conference in Japan before Trump starts blasting our allies (including Japan, the host) for a variety of perceived offenses against the United States. All this not long after he again praises Kim Jong Un and tells reporters that what he and Putin talk about “is none of your business.” And there are people who actually want this bozo to serve another term?

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