Good and bad dates: If we’re lucky, we’ve had more of the former than the latter. It always made me laugh when my mom would tell the story of a man who invited her over for pizza. When she showed up, he offered one option: cheese pizza with anchovies. Not only did she not like anchovies, but he didn’t ask if she did. They never went out again. With this in mind, I’d love to know about your best, worst or most memorable date. Or what would be a perfect date for you? Whatever comes to mind, I’d love to know. Please make it a six-word story, a personal short story, with a beginning, middle and end.
Make us laugh or cry or at the least feel something. For an example, here is the famous story attributed to, but not proven to be written by, Ernest Hemingway: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” If you want your story to run in the IJ, please: • Write “Six-word story” in the subject line • Send one six-word story. Just one • Include your full name and Marin town in the body of the email, no attachments • Write your short story in the body of the email, no attachments • Use proper punctuation and spelling • Use sentence style in one line • Do not submit six adjectives — that’s not a story Please send to lifestyles@marinij.com by March 14 and look for it in the March 25 lifestyles section and online.