When you receive a package you didn’t order

If you find an unexpected package on your doorstep containing products you didn’t order, be aware this might be a ruse. In these “brushing” scams, a vendor sends you an unsolicited package containing cheap goods so they can post a fake review using your name, which artificially inflates their product ratings. Brushing scams indicate your personal data has been sold and may be compromised. Some packages may contain QR codes that take you to phishing websites, which can be used to steal your financial information. Scammers may even use your address to create fraudulent accounts or subscriptions without your knowledge. If you receive an unsuspected package, don’t scan any included QR codes or attempt to pay for the item. If you are certain you didn’t order the product, report the package to the retailer and monitor your bank statements for suspicious activity. You aren’t required to return the package. More information at www.uspis.gov/news/scam-article/brushing-scam.

More information at marincountyda.org or 415-473-6495