A former counselor with Boulder’s Mental Health Partners accused of sexually abusing a patient has entered into a plea agreement.

Jose Alejandro Yepes, 50, pleaded guilty Friday in Boulder District Court to a felony count of stalking and a misdemeanor count of harassment.

As part of the plea agreement, Boulder County District Attorney’s Office spokeswoman Shannon Carbone said Yepes will be sentenced to probation with no jail time, along with a two-year deferred judgement on the misdemeanor count.

A deferred judgement means that if Yepes completes the terms of his probation and does not pick up any new criminal cases during the two-year term, he will be allowed to withdraw the guilty plea and the misdemeanor will be dropped.

Yepes had been set for trial this week after initially pleading not guilty in his case, but the trial was canceled in light of the agreement.

“There was one named victim in the case, and the victim was very supportive of this plea and sentence,” Carbone said in a statement.

“Based on our conversations with the victim, a main concern was that Mr. Yepes be precluded from work as a therapist or counselor in the future and that he take responsibility. This disposition accomplished what the victim wanted, without having to testify at trial.”

Yepes is set for sentencing on April 6.

Boulder police said Yepes was employed by Mental Health Partners at the Warner House facility, 2833 Broadway, and worked with people suffering from substance abuse issues. He was hired on Oct. 19, 2020, and as a “milieu counselor” was there to help support residents but was not a licensed therapist.

A woman told police that Yepes repeatedly contacted her and “initiated contacts that were sexual in nature” over a one-month period starting in November 2020.

According to an affidavit, the woman said Yepes locked her in a room for what he called “energy healing” sessions and turned out all of the lights and turned up a noise machine so people could not hear them.

She said Yepes made requests like asking her to step on his back while he was naked on the floor, asking her to spank him, and showing her nude pictures of himself.

The woman said Yepes would also brush up against her while she was in common areas of the facility and would use his passcode to enter her room. She also believed he was outside her room listening to her private conversations because of comments he made about those conversations.

The woman also said Yepes talked often about how he could easily get someone out of the country, which initially made her afraid to report the incident.

According to the affidavit, the woman recorded her last session with Yepes on a device and played it for a detective.

During the session, the detective heard Yepes apologize after the woman confronted him, and said he could lose his job if anyone found out.

Mental Health Partners officials said Yepes was fired on Dec. 1, 2020.