The Woodland Joint Unified School District is accepting applications to fill the vacancy on its Board of Trustees for Area 6.
According to a district press release, applicants must reside in Area 6, be a registered voter and be over 18 years of age. A map showing the boundaries for Area 6 can be found at on the board vacancy web page.
Area 6 is an L-shaped area comprised mainly of the southwest corner of Woodland. The northernmost point begins at West Lincoln Avenue and extends east to West Street. The area’s southern border ends at Del Oro Street and extends east just shy of East Street.
To confirm the trustee area number that is designated for your address, contact the Yolo Elections Office at (530) 666-8133.
Community members with a strong interest in serving all students and families in WJUSD are encouraged to apply.
During the open session portion of the Monday, March 20 school board meeting beginning at 5 p.m., trustees will conduct oral interviews with eligible candidates who have applied for the vacant position. The selected provisional appointment will serve on the board until December 13, 2024. At that time, an election to fill the remainder of the Area 6 seat will occur, and the winner will serve through 2026.
In 2024, three other seats, Areas 3, 4, and 5, are up for reelection. The Area 6 seat would add a fourth election.
Registered members of the public residing in Area 6 can petition with the superintendent to hold a special election to fill the vacancy. If they do so, they must within 30 days from the date of the appointment. The superintendent would need to verify that the petition complies with the Education Code, a new special election would occur and the election’s winner would serve out the remainder of the term through 2026.
Online applications are available on the district website’s homepage under “Latest News” and on the “Board” web page. Hard-copy applications are also available in the superintendent’s office, located at 435 Sixth St. Completed hard-copy applications can be mailed (no postmark) or hand-delivered to the superintendent’s office or submitted via email to
The deadline for applications is Friday, March 10, 2023, by 4 p.m. For more information, contact the superintendent’s office at (530) 406-3203.