We can’t tolerate poor fiscal management such as this
To the Editor:
I just finished reading the article from the April 22 edition titled “Service department vehicles in need of replacing,” and my first question was “Who’s running that department, that they would run this equipment into the ground?” Are you kidding me? The poor state of the vehicles mentioned in this article did not suddenly “pop up” – it was gradual, and obviously was not being properly maintained.
We try to teach our children to take care of their toys when they’re little, and as they grow, these “toys” become more and more costly. Do we let our children drive their cars into the ground and then buy them new ones? NO! We try to teach them to be responsible and take care of their “toys” and maintain them as they age.
I think that the person ultimately responsible and accountable for the maintenance of these vehicles and department needs to be replaced! We residents, cannot tolerate poor fiscal management such as this and we deserve better!
Keith Fromme