There’s been an element of shock value in some bartending circles over the past decade. We’ve seen drinks that involve puréed red pepper, chick pea juice, and bacon fat-washed bourbon; we’ve seen cocktails that involve fire or liquid nitrogen. And then there’s the one ingredient that always seems surprising at first glance and then, when you think about it, makes perfect sense: beer. The carbonation in beer serves the same duty as club soda, tying ingredients together and giving aromas momentum. And it does it all while adding another dimension of flavor and complexity. The Shpritz on the menu at Explorateur makes exceptionally terrific use of the stuff. The tangy notes of the sour beer lasso in the Aperol’s sweetness and the two juices echo that dynamic, with the lemon tempering the pineapple. The carbonation, light though it may be, transforms the flavors from acoustic to stereo. It’s a surprisingly playful way to celebrate beer this Saint Patrick’s Day.
Makes 1 drink
2 ounces Aperol
¾ ounce pineapple juice
¾ ounce lemon juice
3 ounces Collective Arts Dry-Hopped Sour (or any dry-hopped sour beer)
2 thinly sliced orange wheels
1. In an ice-filled Collins glass pour Aperol, then pineapple juice, then lemon juice.
2. Slip the orange wheels into the glass, placing against the inside of the glass.
3. Top with beer.
Adapted from
Liza Weisstuch can be reached at liza.weisstuch@gmail .com. Follow her on Twitter @livingtheproof.