bird sightings

Recent bird sightings as reported to the Massachusetts Audubon Society:

Plum Island: Notable sightings at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge included a pied-billed grebe, seven yellow-crowned night herons, an American golden plover, an American avocet, 17 whimbrels, a Hudsonian godwit, two marbled godwits, 29 red knots, 144 white-rumped sandpipers, a Baird’s sandpiper, an American woodcock, a black guillemot, an olive-sided flycatcher, two common ravens, two blue-gray gnatcatchers, a seaside sparrow, a dickcissel, and an orchard oriole.

Newburyport: A ruff was reported near the Newburyport Harbor boat ramp.

Ipswich: Sightings at Crane Beach included three marbled godwits and a lesser black-backed gull.

Concord: At the Great Meadows Wildlife Refuge, reports included 14 great egrets, a glossy ibis, and a cliff swallow.

Waltham: Sightings at the Cambridge Reservoir included nine blue-winged teals and 20 lesser yellowlegs. One yellow-crowned night heron was sighted along the Charles River.

Miscellaneous: Reports included a yellow-crowned night heron, a marbled godwit, and six Cape May warblers at Nantucket; a yellow-crowned night heron and a hooded warbler at Marblehead Neck Wildlife Sanctuary in Marblehead; a Hudsonian godwit, a marbled godwit, and a Caspian tern at Musquashicut Pond in North Scituate; a Baird’s sandpiper in Westborough; a stilt sandpiper at Horn Pond in Woburn; two Caspian terns at Squantum; 54 common nighthawks migrating over Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge; and a Connecticut warbler at Hayden Woods in Arlington.

For more information about bird sightings or to report sightings, call MassAudubon at 781-259-8805 or go to