Trump taps into public’s distrust of a government that isn’t working

In your editorial “GOP must stop Trump,’’ you quote House Speaker Paul Ryan: “But the way we govern endures: through debate, not disorder.’’ I believe that statement has not been true for the past four years. It is apparent that during that time, our government has not governed and has not debated but rather has been two parties in opposition. There has been no compromise and no governance. It is because of the policies of the party leaders that there has arisen such total dislike and distrust in our government that a phenomenon such as Donald Trump can emerge.

The electorate is disgusted with members of Congress who place their reelection above their responsibility to the people who elected them. As a result, a charismatic demagogue has been capable of tapping into the distrust.

The issues that Trump addresses are real and are potential problems for our country. His solutions are much too simplistic for the complexity of the problems. These problems are not new, and our lawmakers appear to have no solutions at all.

I do not support Trump, but I want solutions to our immigration problems, our drug problems, our security problems, and our budget problems. I want the Supreme Court vacancy to be filled now, with an honest qualified judge.

Most of all, I want our government to govern.

Howard P. Taylor

Chestnut Hill