If Pilgrim staff are ‘overwhelmed,’ that’s a clear warning sign

Thank you for bringing attention to the impending disaster that is the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (“Memo cites safety concerns at Pilgrim plant’’). Your article details the extensive safety issues that are present at Pilgrim and describes the staff at the station as “overwhelmed,’’ according to an internal memo from a member of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. I’m horrified by this situation, which clearly reinforces the need to shut this power station down now.

If the staff is overwhelmed by just trying to keep the plant in operation, there’s no way that the people who live near the plant are being properly protected. All it would take is one mechanical problem that gets out of hand or one major storm to cripple the plant. The spent rod receptacle is a huge concern.

When is the safety of the people who live on the South Shore and Cape going to be considered? When are the workers, who would be the first to be directly exposed, going to be considered? When are the miles of land, which, if contaminated, would be uninhabitable for generations, going to be considered? When is the governor going to intervene and prevent disaster?

Laura Wagner

Executive director

Unitarian Universalist

Mass Action Network
