Given specter of Trump win, don’t wait for Election Day to stand and be counted

The editorial“Sane Republicans should abandon Trump’’ (Sept. 16) talks about how our Republican leaders, out of fear of risking their political standing, have been reluctant to take a stand against Donald Trump’s campaign. Well, what about the rest of us? Have you noticed how few bumper stickers or lawn signs there have been this campaign cycle? Are we also unwilling to take a stand, to risk announcing to our friends and neighbors what we believe in?

This campaign has been daunting and deplorable — yes, that word accurately describes the entire process — but that does not mean we can bury our heads in the sand. If we do not take a stand against the Trump campaign, then we might wake up on Nov. 2 stunned, wondering how it happened, as many people in Britain did after the Brexit vote.

So many people are so disheartened by this campaign — its length, the unequal treatment of Hillary Clinton and Trump, the media overload — that they might not even come out to vote. If sane, but disillusioned, voters don’t come out for Clinton, then the ones who are fervent for Trump might carry the day.

Trump hasn’t the ability to lead us. The (self-professed) emperor has no clothes. So bring out the bumper stickers. We need ones that say “Republican for Hillary,’’ “Independent for Hillary,’’ and “Hill feels the Bern Vote.’’ Now’s the time.

Liz Haywood-Sullivan

Marshfield Hills