1. The art of making porcelain was first perfected by the people of which ancient civilization? a) Egyptian b) Chinese c)Andean

2. Cape Breton Highlands National Park is the site of an annual festival that celebrates the Scottish heritage of people living in an eastern Canadian province. Name this maritime province. a) Yukon Territory b) Nova Scotia c) Newfoundland

3. Pretoria is the administrative capital of a country in Africa. Name the country’s legislative capital. a) Johannesburg b) Durban c) Cape Town

4. Name the city that became Cote d’Ivoire’s chief port after it was linked to the Gulf of Guinea by the construction of a canal. a) Yamoussoukro b) Freetown c) Abidjan

5. The San Andres Mountains parallel the Rio Grande as it flows through which state? a) New Mexico b) New Jersey c) Kansas

6. Scientists study tigers at Way Kambas National Park on the southeastern coast of Sumatra. What sea borders this park? a) South China Sea b) Java Sea c) Coral Sea

7. Oil production in the United Arab Emirates is centered on the country’s capital city. Name this city. a) Sanaa b) Dubai c) Abu Dhabi

8. Ninety percent of the world’s deaths from malaria, a disease spread by mosquitoes, occur in which region? a) Sub-Saharan Africa b) Southeast Asia c) Middle East

9. Sweden’s highest peak, Kebnekaise, is located in the Kjolen Mountains. These mountains run along Sweden’s boundary with which country? a) Norway b) Finland c) Denmark

10. Ghana, Mali, Kanem-Bornu and Songhai are names associated with which of the following? a) major religions in Africa b) early empires in West Africa c) Arab centers in East Africa


1. Chinese, 2. Nova Scotia, 3. Cape Town, 4. Abidjan, 5. New Mexico, 6. Java Sea, 7. Abu Dhabi, 8. Sub-Saharan Africa, 9. Norway, 10. early empires in West Africa

Questions provided by the National Geographic Bee. Visit nationalgeographic.org/education/student-experiences/geobee/study/quiz