Aries: You might be searching for the perfect last-minute gifts. Be careful not to get caught up in jealousy and comparison, someone might be trying to bring you down out of envy for your successes. Don’t let it get to you or take it personally.
Taurus: Enjoy holiday tunes as you make your rounds. You might feel in your element coordinating social gatherings or festive celebrations. Anticipate receiving the answer to a long-standing question that’s been on your mind.
Gemini: While standing out in a crowd might benefit your reputation, it could overshadow your peers or invite unwanted criticism. Focus on being a team player, sharing the responsibilities and rewards so everyone can take pride in the project’s success.
Cancer: A better offer for a new credit card or to make an investment may seem to come out of thin air. Consider exploring ways to tap into trusting your instincts. Celebrate the holidays by attending seasonal gatherings or spending time with friends.
Leo: Find a balance between being daring and dangerous. You may benefit from pushing your way forward but make sure you’re safe and prepared. If someone takes you up on your challenge, you might find yourself unprepared, outsmarted or embarrassed.
Virgo: You may experience a heightened attention to detail. This could be an ideal time to wrap up projects or add the finishing touches to a project or creative endeavor. Remember to be mindful of sensitive subjects to avoid any misunderstandings.
Libra: A sheep that wanders away from the flock might be more likely to face peril. There’s safety in numbers, so stay close to those you trust. It may be best to stick to what you know rather than making changes to your tried-and-true routine.
Scorpio: Imagining the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow might help you finish your tasks. Use your imagination to tickle the fancy of a loved one by finding a last minute and unexpected present. You can never go wrong being your glamorous self.
Sagittarius: Get ready to celebrate the season. Your social calendar could likely be packed with festive events and celebrations. Dive in and smooth over any insensitive comments before the day is done. A little gentle persuasion may go a long way.
Capricorn: Once you put your ideas in motion you might not stop until you see your passion through. A sense of peace and harmony may be triggered by the holiday spirit. New connections and interactions could seem especially enjoyable this evening.
Aquarius: Holiday celebrations and seasonal events might take up a lot of your time. Today may be ideal for last-minute gift shopping or sprucing up your place. Your loved ones could be more affectionate than usual under these stars.
Pisces: Strengthen relationships. Consider new ways to lift someone’s confidence and encourage them to pursue their goals. Set aside the chisel, bury the hatchet, and offer sincere apologies when necessary.
If Dec. 18 is your birthday: You may be more enthusiastic and energetic than usual during the upcoming three to four weeks. Opportunities to get in shape or to engage in any competitive activity may soon reveal themselves.
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