What’s Quickly? It’s where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email quickly@post-trib.com.
During the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, the FBI got 4,500 tips relevant to their investigation called in to their hotline. Instead of investigating them, they turned them in to the White House, allowing the people who backed Kavanaugh to claim that the FBI found no wrongdoing.
Gov. Holcomb says he won’t legalize marijuana while it’s federally illegal. Now he doesn’t want to abide by the federal ruling to prolong the Indiana unemployment. I say he’s a hypocrite!
I sent a letter to Senator Mike Braun stating my concerns with recent current events. It took him two months to reply and it was the same basic text with a few words changed that he replies with every single time. What a waste of a Senate seat.
I am not sure that I understand “Critical Race Theory,” but I am sure that history should be taught truthfully.
Republicans spent all last summer pushing “Blue Lives Matter,” but changed rather quickly when the “blue lives” at the Capitol on January 6 didn’t buckle to their conspiracy theories.
How embarrassing that the one Republican from Indiana who was chosen to serve on the select committee to investigate the insurrection is such an absolute tool. He actually said that the Biden administration should be investigated for their response to it. Who does he think was president on January 6th? He is either utterly ignorant or lying through his teeth.
For some reason, the Former Guy keeps sending me emails telling me that we need to protect our elections. He is absolutely correct, but what he fails to ever mention is the urgent need to protect our elections FROM HIM.
What is the end game with the Republicans and the right-wing media when it comes to COVID-19? Are they seriously just trying to get people killed off?
It’s really pathetic that the new representatives in Congress are going crazy to rebuke everything that Dr. Fauci says about COVID-19. Dr Fauci has been an infectious disease doctor for decades, and is highly respected. Rep. Boebert was a high school dropout who had to get a GED just to run for Congress. Rep. Madison Cawthorn admits to getting all D’s before dropping out of Patrick Henry College. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a white supremacist and conspiracy theorist, who ran a crossfit gym before running for office. No comparison whatsoever.
How can we expect the average American voter to understand how our government works when we have new people in Congress that don’t have a clue?
The Capitol Insurrectionists have started to be sentenced. These traitors to our country show that they were poorly raised and educated. Some may be mentally ill, but the majority were just easily manipulated by Trump and the right-wing media. None of which showed up to support them.
Trump fans didn’t care that he was incompetent because they enjoyed that he attacked the people that they didn’t like. The problem though, is that they never realized that he was doing just as much damage to them. And they still do not realize that he doesn’t have their best interests at heart.
The difference between Republicans and Democrats is engraved in our nation’s history. The Republicans love and support anyone who loves America, has a job and an education. The Democrats support those on food stamps and welfare and criticize anyone with an education or a job. In most other countries, Democrats would all be in prison. They add no value to America.
Read more at www.post-trib.com/opinion.