Resources available for older adults in Boulder County
The Boulder County Area Agency on Aging and other organizations are sharing or offering the following resources for older adults in the county. Additionally, because local resources have been subject to changes daily, officials ask anyone who wishes to use a named resource below to call ahead to get further information and assure that it is still operational.
Emergency food
These programs provide a limited amount of food for individuals or families during times of personal crisis, or for people who have no food or can’t afford to purchase food at retail costs, the BCAAA said. Due to the pandemic, a number of programs may have new protocols for social distancing. Anyone reaching wishing to use an organization should call ahead for more information.
• Community Food Share, located at 650 S. Taylor Avenue, Louisville; phone: 303-652-3663; online: communityfoodshare.org.
• Emergency Family Assistance Association, located at 1575 Yarmouth Ave., Boulder; phone: 303-442-3042; online: efaa.org
• Sister Carmen Community Center, located at 655 Aspen Ridge Drive, Lafayette; phone: 303-665-4342; online sistercarmen.org.
• OUR Center, located at 220 Collyer St., Longmont; phone: 303-772-5529 and online at ourcenter.org.
Food pantries
These are programs that acquire food products through donations, canned food drives, food bank programs or direct purchase and distribute the food to people who are in emergency situations, according to the BCAAA. Some pantries deliver food to people whose disabilities or illnesses make it difficult for them to leave home. To practice social distancing, some pantries are leaving food outside of the building, so people are advised to call ahead.
• Community Food Share, EFAA, see above for more information.
• Harvest of Hope Pantry, located at 4830 Pearl St., Boulder; phone: 720-382-1971; online at hopepantry.org.
• Longmont St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, 323 Collyer St., Longmont; phone: 303-678-1469; online at johnthebaptist.org/food-bank.
• Longmont Vinelife Church: Wellspring Food & Clothing Ministry, located at 7845 Lookout Road, Longmont; phone: 303-449-3330; online: vinelife.com.
• The ROUND PANTRY at Westview Presbyterian Church, at 1500 Hover St., Longmont; phone: 303-776-3242; online at westviewpres.org.
• Leaf: Community Food Pantry at Lyons Community Church, located at 350 Main Street, Lyons; phone: 720-864-4309; online at leaflyons.org.
• Nederland Community Center, located at 750 Colo. 72, Nederland; phone: 720-418-0892; online: nederlandfoodpantry.org.
• Sister Carmen Community Center, located at 655 Aspen Ridge Drive, Lafayette, phone: 303-665-4342; online sistercarmen.org.
• Louisville Community Food Bank, 741 Jefferson Ave., Louisville, open 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday, drive-up service available, phone 303-808-3660.
Community lunches
These are programs that provide hot lunches on a regular basis to seniors and adults with disabilities. Some programs are based on a suggested donation, while others may ask for payment based on a sliding scale, according to the BCAAA. A number of community lunches are now operating on a carry-out or delivery-only model. Those interested in using the resource are advised to call ahead for further information.
• Boulder: Meals on Wheels of Boulder, Eat Well Café, 909 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder, 720-720-3380.
• Lafayette: Coal Creek MOW, Eat, Meet, ‘N Greet Café, for more information call 303-665-0566.
• Longmont Senior Center: Park View Café, for more information, call 303-772-0540.
• Longmont’s Our Center’s Community Café, for more information, call 303-772-5529 or visitourcenter.org.
• Louisville Senior Center: Brooks Café, for more information, call 303-335-4931.
• The Lyons Bistro is carry-out only. Diners are asked to pay a suggested donation. For more information, call 303-441-1415.
• Nederland’s Mountain Peak Life: Lunch Program is home-delivery only. There is a suggested donation. For more information, call 303-258-0799.
Grocery delivery
• Cultivate Carry-Out-Caravan, for more information, contact 303-443-1933 or visit cultivate.ngo/programs/carry-out-caravan.
• Community Food Share: ElderShare Program provides groceries, free of charge, to low-income seniors in Boulder and Broomfield counties twice per month. Every senior receives fresh produce, cheese, and a variety of pantry items. Some of the food provided through Elder Share comes from the Commodity Supplemental Food Program, a government program that supports seniors nationally. For more information, call 303-652-3663 or online at communityfoodshare.org.
• King Soopers offers pickup services where groceries are brought to person’s car at no charge. Grocery delivery is also available for $9.95. For more information, call 800-576-4377 or visit online at kingsoopers.com/i/ways-to-shop.
• Safeway offers grocery delivery for $9.99. For more information, call 877 505-4040 or visit safeway.com/shop.
• Whole Foods grocery delivery is available, but an Amazon Prime membership is required, according to BCAAA. Delivery is free for orders $35 and over, otherwise it is $4.99. For more information, call 844-936-8255 or visit Amazon.com/WholeFoods.
• Regional Transportation District is offering a grocery delivery service to its Access-a-Ride customers. For more information and to see partnering grocery stores, visit RTD’s website.
General nutrition resources
For general information on Boulder County nutrition resources, people can reach out to DeAnni via email at tdeanni@bouldercounty.org or phone at 303-441-4995 for English or 303-441-3867 for Spanish. For more information about available Nutrition Resources across the county, visit bit.ly/2IITLxu.
Other resources
The Boulder Food Rescue aims to create a more just and less wasteful food system. Donated food is redistributed throughout the community to those in need. For more information, call 720-445-5273 or visit boulderfoodrescue.org.
A number of Boulder County farms participate in Community Supported Agriculture. Through a CSA a person can support local farms, while getting a variety of locally grown produce throughout the growing season. Shares including fruits, eggs, and other farm products are also available. To find a local CSA, people can visit localharvest.org/csa.
Meals on Wheels of Boulder offers meal delivery service of nutritious meals with a friendly well-being check. It also offers a Project Homecoming meal delivery service for people discharged from a hospital, in ongoing treatment or in rehabilitation after surgery. First five meals are free. Call 720-780-3380 for information about both programs.
Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence, a human rights organization committed to ending violence against people of all ages through advocacy, support, education and community organizing, offers emergency shelter for those escaping violence, counseling, education and transitional housing. Visit their website, safehousealliance.org, to learn more. Those experiencing violence and seeking help should call the organization’s crisis hotline at 303-444-2424.
For more information on additional resources, people can all the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging’s resource help line at 303-441-1617. Staff will be available to answer questions via phone from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays. For general office inquiries, people can contact BCAAA through email at bcaaa@bouldercounty.org, via phone at 303-441-3570 for English or 303-441-3867 for Spanish.
For updated information on BCAAA operations and community resources, people can also follow BCAAA’s Facebook page: facebook.com/BoulderCountyAreaAgencyonAging.
For information, referral, or resources, people can contact the sources below. This includes information for mountain and rural communities.
• Email: infoADRC@bouldercounty.org Phone: 303-441-1617 Online Resource: bouldercountyhelp.org.
Healthy aging programs
• Email: InfoHealthyAging@bouldercounty.org. Phone: 303-441-4995 (English) or 303-441-3774 (Spanish).
Medicare counseling
Medicare Basics information will soon be available online.
• Email: medicarecounseling@bouldercounty.org Phone: 303-441-1546 (English) or 303-678-6113 (Spanish).