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President Trump has again exhibited that he is rotton to the core. His callous actions were shameless when he pardoned four Blackwater military mercenaries who were convicted of savagely slaughtering 14 civilians and wounded 17 other infant Iraqi citizens in Baghdad in 2007. This included Ali Kinani, a 9-year-old boy murdered and fatally shot in the head. Trump’s heinous action in carrying out his own form of justice in pardoning these thugs is a slap in the face to our judicial system and does not reflect the values of judicial fairness that America stands for

James, Tinley Park

Congratulations to the people who voted for Biden. I hope you’re ready for what is to come. Now that you got rid of that evil Donald Trump your borders will be open to all immigrants, free medical to all immigrants, etc. The riots will mysteriously stop. There will be no Biden bashing from the media. The virus will be definitely cured by Biden. China trade will go back to favor China. My prediction is that in six months, Biden will be back in his basement and your country will be run by the left-wing vice president who will be run by the Democratic Party. Goodbye American.

Don, Chicago Heights

Regarding Kim Foxx and the chief judge. In their courtroom everybody wins except for the victim. These people who voted for her for another four years, well you get what you vote for. Don’t complain about it. Just put up with it and be good social justice lawyers.

Kevin, Oak Lawn

Mayor Pekau, if something is not done about the rising water and sewer rates, you will definitely lose my vote. I’m sure that I’m not the only one that feels that way.

Linda, Orland Park

Mayor Lightfoot just plain lied to the citizens of Chicago regarding the police raid. That’s what politicians do. They can’t help themselves, it’s in their system. And don’t feel bad about voting for Lightfoot. You should feel bad about voting for Pritzker following toiletgate.

YCM, Orland Park

It gets very frustrating when you read in the paper every day about all these schools and libraries and government agencies that are having meetings about raising their property taxes because they incurred more debt. Since this virus started in March, a lot of these government workers and people working in all these places, they get paid, they don’t go to work. There should be no reason to be raising property taxes. Oh, l forgot all about this. It’s about government. They don’t worry about your ability to pay what you can afford, you just pay it and we’ll take your property.

Dave, Beecher