A federal judge Saturday postponed a few deadlines in former President Donald Trump’s classified documents case to allow prosecutors time to respond to his request for a broader pause in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling this past week on executive immunity.

On Friday, lawyers for Trump asked Judge Aileen Cannon, who is overseeing the case, for permission to file additional papers to bolster their immunity contention. They argue that the Supreme Court’s decision in a separate case granting Trump wide protections for official acts as president applies to the documents proceeding. As part of their effort, the lawyers asked Cannon to put the documents case almost entirely on hold as she grappled with the question of immunity.

In a brief order Saturday, Cannon told prosecutors in the office of the special counsel, Jack Smith, that they had until July 18 to respond to Trump’s request for a broad delay. In the meantime, she pushed back two approaching deadlines in the case related to filings about expert witnesses that the two sides plan to introduce at trial and to the defense’s obligation to provide discovery information to the government.

The postponement of the deadlines was likely to cause only minor delays to the documents case, which has already been slowed to a crawl by Cannon’s previous decisions.

The judge has not yet set a date for Trump and his two co-defendants to go on trial. Because she is still mulling a host of unresolved legal issues, it is unlikely that the case will go in front of a jury before the election in November.

As part of the order, she delayed the deadline — set for Wednesday — for Smith’s deputies to file consequential legal papers detailing the sorts of classified materials that they believe would not be relevant or safe to use if and when the matter goes to trial. But she told the special counsel’s office that it “may proceed with filing should it so elect.”

There could be more unusual twists and turns coming in the effort by Trump’s lawyers to hitch the documents case, which revolves around Trump’s behavior after he left office, to the Supreme Court’s ruling on immunity, which arrived Monday.

The charges in the documents case accuse the former president of illegally retaining sensitive national security materials after he was out of power and then obstructing the government’s efforts to get them back from his residence in Florida.