What’s Quickly? It’s where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email quickly@post-trib.com.

In his speech yesterday,Trump just said that the Revolutionary Army took over the airports. Can he really be that stupid? Oh, I know — silly question.

It really shows how bad our education system is, that we weren’t taught about airports in the 1700s. Just shameful!

Your President thinks the Air Force attacked Ft. McHenry during the Civil War. Wow, where are the airports again? And this is the guy with the nuke codes?

An employee of a Portage auto parts store has been arrested for recording girls using their bathroom facilities during a car wash in their parking lot. I am so sick of these perverts. I hope the judge gives him a long prison term.

Every injustice donein our name has one unifying factor — massive profits to private companies who are in tight with our elected leaders. From the Iraq War to these concentration camps, just follow the money.

Many veterans are sick of Trump using them as a prop. Marine Kyle Bobby said “Having military personnel transport tanks from distant bases to D.C. is insanely inappropriate. And it flies in the face of everything that I understood about training. We just don’t do that. We don’t do parades.”

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump said that the problem with homeless people just started two years ago. He tried to blame it on the liberals, instead of Ronald Reagan who closed all of the mental hospitals, forcing these people to live on the streets.

So many people pretend to be godly and religious, but their actions show the complete opposite. The ones that are always talking about being godly, seem to be the same ones backstabbing others, criticizing, fault finding, being rude and judgemental, lying, and never looking at themselves in the mirror. Actions and behaviors always trump your words.

Rep. Justin Amash is leaving the GOP, due to Trump and the rhetoric that is dividing and dehumanizing us. Trump responded that Amash was “One of the dumbest and most disloyal men in Congress and quitting the party.” No, he can’t be manipulated to do your dirty work. Hopefully, others will follow his lead.

We have all seen a lot of privilege in our lives. We have seen Democrats and Republicans abuse the system. I have agreed with some, and disagreed with others. But what is going on now is just a whole other level of disrespect and indifference to the laws of our country.

The unethical people in this administration have sold this country to the highest bidders, Russia and Saudi Arabia. Money is power and they don’t give a damn about America or it’s people. Wake up, people.

Read more at www.post-trib.com/opinion.