What it's about: Those wild-haired, diminutive retro toys get a back story, about learning to find happiness in yourself, along with lots of singing and dancing.

The kid attractor factor: This animated feature is a neon-saturated pop music fever dream with Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake — so there's no way kids won't be attracted to this movie.

Violence: The evil bergens are always threatening to eat the trolls. There are a few chase scenes, but nothing too scary.

Language: None, just a few references to farting glitter and pooping cupcakes.

Sexuality: A few shots of troll behinds played for laughs.

Drugs: None.

Parents advisory: Appropriate for children of all ages.



What it's about: The latest Marvel superhero origin story — about a neurosurgeon who becomes a mystical wizard to save the planet.

The kid attractor factor: The Marvel brand name, cool visuals and special effects, and Benedict Cumberbatch should attract older kids and teens.

Violence: Lots of magical throwdowns with spells, world-bending, stabbing and good ol' fashioned punching and kicking. A scene of a gruesome fall and crash of a character.

Language: A few instances of strong language.

Sexuality: An implied sexual relationship between Dr. Strange and Christine, as well as romantic chemistry between them.

Drugs: None (despite the trippy visuals).

Parents advisory: Fine for older kids and teens.



What it's about: In the third film adapted from the Dan Brown novels about religious-themed mysteries, Robert Langdon attempts to stop a global infectious disease outbreak.

The kid attractor factor: Star Tom Hanks; familiarity with the franchise.

Violence: Some harrowing chase and fight scenes, including knife fights and stabbings, shootings and drownings. A graphic image of a dead body, as well as disturbing visions of a sick and wretched mob.

Language: One instance of strong language.

Sexuality: An intimate moment between lovers, but no nudity.

Drugs: None.

Parents advisory: Fine for teens.