MARINA >> The first phase of four for the Imjin Parkway Widening and Roundabout Project is nearing completion and is getting set to move into the second phase where traffic will be switched over to the newly constructed north side of Imjin Parkway to build the south side of the roadway.
The Imjin Parkway Widening and Roundabout Project is a two-year effort to widen and increase safety on a traffic artery for about 30,000 daily motorists.
The project affects 1.7 miles of Imjin Parkway from Reservation Road to Imjin Road and will include the construction of four roundabouts, and increase the stretch of roadway to four lanes. The city of Marina is the lead agency on the project.
Until Jan. 17, day work on the Imjin Parkway project will include removing old curb and gutter, and forming concrete new curb, gutter and sidewalk for the southwest corner at Imjin Road, continuing the installation of streetlight and fiber optic conduit between Marina Heights Drive and Imjin Road, continuing fine grading of roadbed for upcoming paving operation of Marina Heights Drive and the western project limit between Imjin Road and Abrams Drive west, resuming earthwork and beginning placement of underground facilities on the south side of Imjin Parkway between Preston Drive and the Christina Williams Memorial, and continuing environmental monitoring of contractor activities job wide. No night work is anticipated during this time.
Marina Heights Drive and Imjin Road are closed at Imjin Parkway and Abrams Drive will not be part of phase one but has been moved to phase three to maintain pedestrian access at the intersection for as long as possible.
Soon, activity will include construction of half of the roundabout and adjacent roadway at Marina Heights Drive, roadway paving from east of Marina Heights Drive to the project boundary west of Imjin Road including Marina Heights Drive, as well as the move into phase two of the project which will see traffic switched over to the newly constructed north side of Imjin Parkway so that construction of the south side of the roadway can begin.
The project is split into different phases in an effort to minimize construction impacts along the roadway as well as attempting to increase efficiencies to complete the project as quickly as possible.
Construction began Feb. 12 and is anticipated to be completed by the end of June 2026.
Phase 1 saw work on the north side of the roadway, west toward Highway 1. Work included demolishing the existing roadway, grading, drainage, utilities, irrigation and lighting, retaining and sound walls, roadway paving and temporary striping, landscaping and north side of roadway roundabout construction at Preston Avenue, Abrams Road, Marina Heights Road and Imjin Road.
Phase 2 will see work on the south side of the roadway, eastbound toward Reservation Road. Work will include demolishing the existing roadway, grading, drainage, utilities, irrigation and lighting, paving and temporary striping, landscaping, south side of roadway roundabout construction at Imjin Road, Marina Heights Road, Abrams Road and Preston Avenue.
Phase 3 will be miscellaneous roadwork including demolishing temporary paving, roadway paving and temporary striping, drainage utilities and lighting and grading.
Phase 4 will be final paving — top lift — and striping.
Upon completion, the Widening and Roundabout Project will provide transit and pedestrian improvements, add on-street buffered bike lanes, stormwater treatment areas, retaining walls and a sound wall.