We never had to hold school referendums to raise our own taxes years ago, since the legislature fully funded public schools. Now Republicans siphon our tax money to fund their private schools, by using vouchers. This undermines our public schools, and most educators are against it. Indiana legislators want to siphon off one third of our tax money for their private schools, but 90% of students attend public schools. If they get away with it, you’ll pay higher taxes through referendums. Support public education!
Another year. Lane closures again on State Route 49 through Valpo. Third year in a row. Why can’t all road repairs be done in one year? Sounds simple to me.
With the opening of the Hard Rock Casino, the traffic at the 80/94 Burr Street exit is going to increase. What are the plans to keep the traffic moving? I am sure there have been discussions. Will plans be shared in the media? Can you imagine how many more trucks will be waiting on the exits and entrances?
In a recent “State of the city” address, the Portage mayor stated that the city was near being considered a “distressed city” by the State on Indiana due to its financial condition. What a well kept secret. As a resident and taxpayer, I want someone to step forward and explain in detail how this happened, not just the usual blaming previous administrations and just saying overspending was the issue. But actual details. Where did the money go, where is the money going now? Who is accountable? Just how bad are Portage’s finances?
True, Trump is no longer president, but he’ll play one for his fans. At the recent Trumpfest in Florida, donors were treated to the same garbage we’ve heard since November. Accusations against Republicans who didn’t support Trump, Mike Pence for letting him down, and the Holy Grail of Trump lies: the election was stolen from him. Like a stubborn case of toenail fungus, Trump just won’t go away. And why should he? As long as he can dupe his followers into giving him money, he’ll ride the gravy train as long as he can.
I am so happy that President Biden is addressing our failing infrastructure. It’s just disheartening how much is not going to these problems. It’s disappointing that he seems to follow in all our other elected official’s footsteps! Too much sourcing to other projects!
The Trump momentum has been carrying the economy, the stock market and the virus vaccinations. How much longer will it last? I see a bleak future when the momentum fades away and Joe Biden has to pick up the slack. His roadblocks will speed up the process. Just love his gasoline prices!
The problem with cops nowadays think they are above God or think they are John Wayne.
How dumb are these obnoxious Trump followers? Now they are demanding that the entire Democratic leadership be impeached. Why, because they just don’t like them. Instead of voter suppression, explain how our government and voting system works to these people.
Just to make everyone feel a little bit safer, Donald Trump no longer gets any intelligence briefings. While Carter, Clinton, Bush and Obama still get theirs in case advice is needed from them.
Rep. Matt Gaetz was in Florida over the weekend and requested a meeting with Donald Trump. Trump refused to meet with him. Just think, being the #1 cheerleader and all that sucking up, and Gaetz is in the same pile as all of the other rejects now.
I have a suggestion related to raising funds for critical initiatives such as immigration protocol, infrastructure, police reform, rust belt rehab, etc. This recommendation would bring in billions and not raise taxes or impact those who don’t want to participate directly. The last presidential election campaigns alone raised around $14 billion. If you include all local, state and federal campaigns, that figure could rise to over $30 billion. If we chose to dedicate just 10% to critical initiatives, we would have a developing $3 billion endowment for much-needed projects. Campaigners would send a great message in support of their campaigns, and if you don’t believe in the process don’t run for office or contribute to campaigns!
I am so sick of these attacks on Asian Americans. I am so sick of all racist attacks. The people that need to show their superiority by attacking others are just insecure and inadequate weaklings. Mentally healthy people have no need to treat others inhumanely.
Read more at www.post-trib.com/opinion.