Aries: Your desire for intimacy might be misunderstood. Someone’s expectations might exceed your abilities, possibly leading to conflicts. Consider being more cautious when dealing with sensitive emotions or financial issues.

Taurus: You might encounter someone who lifts you out of a tough spot. Creative ideas are plentiful that could assist you in your tasks or simply inspire you. Remember that spending a little more for better quality may be worthwhile.

Gemini: Be a good sport and enjoy entertaining activities with pleasant companions. It may be best to avoid making business deals and major financial expenditures. A few well-placed words could ignite the generosity of those around you.

Cancer: It might be necessary to define what it is that you want versus what you need. You may decide to take the initiative but understand that mix-ups could occur. Someone else may have drawn up some intricate and complex plans.

Leo: A new special friendship may brighten your weekend. Perhaps you have found someone who shares your interests or philosophy. Consider going slow in taking on new obligations and avoid jumping into anything too big, too soon.

Virgo: People may easily notice your friendliness and charm, so this could be a good time to make a great first impression. Think about making decisions about the people you want in your life. Be sure to exercise good taste if you go shopping.

Libra: A wild weekend might be on the horizon if strong emotions go unmet. It may be wise to resist the temptation to chase after the latest trendy attraction. Relationships started under these circumstances could end up being costly.

Scorpio: Your charm may be tested at inopportune times. Quick thinking and past experiences are your best allies. It might not seem like the right moment to make big decisions, but perhaps better opportunities are around the corner.

Sagittarius: Being true to yourself is the best gift you could offer. Be cautious against agreeing to everything and value sincerity over empty flattery. Keep your feet firmly on the ground when it comes to your goals and commitments.

Capricorn: It is important to recharge whether or not your energy feels depleted. A night with friends without any pressure could give you a second wind. Remember to take care of your personal life, not just your professional life.

Aquarius: You could feel loving and kind while social activities might capture your attention. Consider delaying making any major spending decisions until next week and consult with trusted advisors about any pending matters.

Pisces: You are heading where you look, so look far ahead. If you only concentrate on the current obstacle that is where you could end up. Focus on where you want to be and how to get there, not on the barriers in the way.

If Sept. 14 is your birthday: This week your stellar reputation may have reached a peak. This could possibly be a good time to make commitments or meet people who think highly of you and will keep their end of any bargain.

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency