Dear Heloise: I read with concern Daniel T.’s hint about scam calls. Our phones are like our computers; they hold valuable information for scammers. As such, they must have the best protection against viruses. In Daniel’s case, he should have his phone evaluated by a phone expert or at least have it reset so that any scam programs are erased. Then he should install a virus program and a call screener that blocks any suspicious spam calls.

Don’t forget to back up your data to the cloud before you reset it. If you are uncomfortable about resetting your phone, contact your phone company, and they can usually talk you through it. Apologies for the long letter, but this is important!

— Priscilla Wigham, via email


Dear Heloise: To monitor or determine if we have a rodent in our house or vehicle, we use a very simple and cheap monitoring device. We place a black sunflower seed at a discrete but easily monitored place. Such places could be corners, just inside the closet or cabinet doors, places that are not vacuumed routinely, etc. They are easily visible, especially with a flashlight.

If the seed is gone sometime after you’ve placed it there, you probably have a rodent, especially a mouse, inside your house.

— Jim Walrath, via email


Dear Heloise: Here’s a suggestion that is a time-saver for the next holiday season. We are blessed with an expanding extended family, but holiday gift-giving became over the top! So, for several years, we have used the following for adults (kids through college-aged students in our family still get gift cards or gifts):

Each couple (or adult) picks a favorite charity, and a donation is made to the charity in their honor. The donation can be any amount, can change from year to year, and is unknown to recipient. A hand written card is given to the recipient to show that the donation has been made.

We have also limited adult birthday presents to a card with an enclosed lottery ticket.

— Dawn, in New Jersey


Dear Heloise: I read your column in our San Antonio Express-News. Today I bought an artificial plant. It was 6 feet tall and really needed cleaning. I decided to get my cotton gloves out and wipe each leaf with warm water. Using the gloves, it was pretty easy to clean both sides of the leaf, and it turned out beautifully. Some leaves came off, but I used my glue gun to attach them back on.

— Corrinne Berkland, in Universal City, Texas


Dear Heloise: To K.O.B., in Orange County, California, I, too, cut myself with my mandolin slicing potatoes. I work in a manufacturing facility, and my colleague at work give me a pair of cut-proof gloves. This is best thing for cutting stuff in the kitchen.

— Lisa Naps, via email

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