Resident of Pinole Ann Murphy Peterson passed away peacefully at home on 3/13/2025 her father’s birthday, after some recent significant health challenges. She is a cherished Mom, Grandmother, sister and friend, who will be greatly missed. Her family is grateful that she had the privilege of having had a loving family and a passionate career that greatly fulfilled her and that inspired her many students over the course of her lifetime.
Ann possessed great strength and determination throughout her lifetime that will continue to be a source of inspiration to family, friends, and previous students. In addition to her remarkable strength and wisdom, she possessed a sensitivity that allowed her to intuitively connect with and promote growth with her students who possessed special needs throughout her career.
Ann was the first child of parents Francis and Mary Murphy born in New York on June 1st, 1937. Later would follow her brother Tom, brother Paul, and sister Marie, all of whom she was close to and maintained contact with throughout her life.
Ann lived in Flushing New York as achild and attended St. Kevin’s Catholic Academy Elementary School there.
After the 5th grade she moved to Douglaston New York.
Ann valued her childhood friends and continued to stay in touch with them over the years. She graduated from St. Mary’s Academy in 1955. Ann was remembered by childhood friends as the smartest girl in the class and was a member of the National Honor Society. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Education from Marywood University in Scranton, PA, a private Catholic women’s school in 1959. Ann returned to New York & earned her Master’s Degree in Special Education from Queens College in '61.
Ann’s teaching career began in New York. In the early 1960’s she took a road trip with a friend to California.
Ann liked it so much that she decided to stay and spent the remainder of her life in California, returning periodically to visit family on the east coast.
She initially started teaching Special Education in California at the Middle School level. She soon met the love of her life, Walter Peterson, marrying him on December 18th, 1965. They moved into their forever home in Walt’s hometown of Pinole. This was a home in which Walt and Ann’s artistic and aesthetic talents were a continuing endeavor.
Her daughter Christine was born in 1967 and son Jim in 1969. After staying home for a brief period when her children were young, she returned to teaching and she worked as a Special Education teacher for the West Contra Costa County School District at the elementary level. Ann achieved additional certifications in Special Education at Dominican Catholic University in San Rafael, CA in the early 1980’s. The last few years of her teaching career she taught a third grade General Education class, finally retiring at the age of 70.
Art was one of Ann’s passions, and she studied art and produced many paintings that are cherished by her family.
Ann was an avid reader of many genres and was reading two newspapers a day until the end of her life.
She enjoyed solving her daily newspaper puzzles.
After Christine gave birth to Ann and Walt’s grandchildren Alex and Nick, Ann was very involved in their upbringing. She attended numerous sporting, band and school events for them both. When Christine was teaching, Ann provided much appreciated assistance with Alex and Nick.
Both of her children followed her into education with Christine becoming a Special Education teacher and Jim a Spanish teacher and High School administrator.
Ann was a much loved and appreciated mother-in-law to Christine’s husband Mark and Jim’s wife Renata.
Ann issurvived by her husband of 59 years Walt, her daughter Christine and husband Mark, her son Jim and wife Renata, her grandson Alex and wife Mayara, grandson Nick, her siblings Tom, Paul, Marie, and many nieces and nephews. At Ann’s request, there will be no services.
She will be honored by her family at a private Celebration of her Life.