WASHINGTON >> A Defense Department disagreement over how to bring to justice the accused mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks and two others has thrown the cases into disarray and surfaced tension between the desire of some victims’ families to see a final legal reckoning and the significant obstacles that may make that impossible.

Defense lawyers and some legal experts blame many of the endless delays on what they call the “original sin” haunting the military prosecutions: the illegal torture that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his co-defendants were subjected to in CIA custody. That years-old abuse has snarled the case, leaving lawyers to hash out legal issues two decades later in the now often-forgotten military courtrooms at the U.S. base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

An approved plea bargain sparing Mohammed and two co-defendants from the death penalty appeared to clear those hurdles and push the cases toward conclusion. But after criticism of the deal from some family members and Republican lawmakers, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Aug. 2 revoked the deal signed by the official he had appointed.

Austin said later he believed Americans deserved the opportunity to see the trials through. Pentagon deputy spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said Friday the case “will continue toward trial with pretrial proceedings as it has been.”

Asked for comment, a CIA spokesperson said that the “CIA’s detention and interrogation program ended in 2009.”

The events reflect the disconnect between the wish of many to see the defendants convicted and sentenced in their death penalty cases and the view of many experts that the legal obstacles caused by torture, disputes over evidence and other extraordinary government actions make it unrealistic to expect a conclusion anytime soon.

Relatives of some of the nearly 3,000 people killed in 2001 when al-Qaida recruits flew four hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania field differed in their hoped-for outcomes for the prosecution. Yet there is shared frustration with its handling so far.

Some said they still want the death penalty imposed even though they know legal complications may make that impossible.

“They’ve been telling us this for years,” said Terry Strada, the leader of the group 9/11 Families United and one of the most vocal family representatives.

Strada said she is still willing to wait years for justice and for “the punishment to fit the crime. And that would be the death penalty.”

Brett Eagleson, whose father, Bruce, was among the World Trade Center victims, said families should not suffer the consequences of government failures.

“At the end of the day, if ... they can’t prosecute them, or they can’t convict them, well, the blood’s not on our hands because all the evidence that they’ve obtained was illegal. That’s not our issue,” he said.