Aries: When you’re on a roll, everything may seem to fall into place. And your most comfortable place could be at home. Even if you don’t get a chance to shine on stage, you might still make a great impression in private settings.

Taurus: Accept what you can’t change but take action on what you can. If you make your bed, you’ll have to lie in it and make it again tomorrow. Discoveries could illuminate the best path to experiencing your inner joys.

Gemini: Learning might stem from both positive and negative experiences. Words may not mean much but listening to the right ones can prevent costly errors. Remain in contact with the most trustworthy individuals.

Cancer: Remember your home is your sanctuary. Consider finding a way to meet your wants and needs while also joining in on the fun with the crowd. Social activities might bring you into contact with new friends.

Leo: If you set massive goals, achieving them may seem impossible from your current position. Consider taking a slower approach and breaking down your goals into bite sized chunks. Learn to appreciate each bit of progress you see.

Virgo: Be intentional about spending money and mindful about sharing your opinions. Your ideas for new projects might be temporarily off base or out of alignment. Reading the fine print could help to avoid mistakes.

Libra: Social activities might require physical exertion; your companions may not be content just sitting and watching TV. Consider skipping the spectator sports and being more eager to participate in whatever is offered.

Scorpio: You may share your thoughts and ideas with a trusted friend or loved one. It’s fun to dream and make plans, even if some are unlikely to come true. There may be an unusual sightseeing trip in the near future.

Sagittarius: Dance the night away. You and a special someone might have a common interest in mind when you join forces. This could be a chance to ask for favors from someone who appreciates your companionship.

Capricorn: From small beginnings, great things can grow. Your thoughts and ideas could be worth showcasing. A spark of an original idea might be the key to creating an engaging presentation or finding a new hobby.

Aquarius: Unrealistic expectations create problems, and for a few hours, it might feel like someone else expects more than you can safely deliver. Don’t worry too much about a minor conflict; you have a handle on it.

Pisces: Focus on finding the resources and means to achieve your goals. If you possess a clear and beautiful vision, success could be within reach. Your inner circle might offer valuable insights and the benefit of their expertise.

If Jan. 24 is your birthday: You might show your true colors whenever you must set a shining example for others or compete. Your straightforward attitude could cut through the debris and allow you to lead others fearlessly. Your intelligence may be enhanced in February and March, perhaps making this a good time to reassess business policies and professional plans. Although receiving numerous invitations might be edifying, your friends and social obligations could distract you from pursuing something important in late March and early April. It may be necessary to take a course or connect with a mentor in order to adjust to exciting changes and new influences in late April.

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency