Aries: You are what you repeatedly do and who you surround yourself with. Don’t break social links on impulse. Community events can bring you into contact with new acquaintances who may seem familiar because you have shared connections.

Taurus: What seems absolute and permanent now might be slowly changing. Be open to adapting to new conditions. Getting plenty of rest may prepare you to handle intense projects.

Gemini: Focus on working smart. You might feel unhappy with your current situation, but avoid acting prematurely. Consider waiting a few days and what needs to be done will become clearer and your actions might be more fruitful.

Cancer: What you desire and what you can achieve need to be intertwined, be more intentional when spending money. Avoid passing whims, as you might regret it later in the week. Your financial resources may need some additional support.

Leo: You may exercise your “attention to detail” muscle while taking a closer look at your bank balance. Consider holding onto your money. Resisting the urge to do things out of alignment with your goals could help you reach them faster.

Virgo: Move with caution over the next couple of days. Misunderstandings could be more likely during this time. Lingering obligations can disappear as the week unfolds if you can focus intently on crossing them off your to do list.

Libra: Tending to something that needs attention can alleviate further problems. What may seem most troublesome now could be the key to progress. Consider taking things slow and not trying to bulldoze your way to a more active social life.

Scorpio: Adaptability may be the key needed for overcoming challenges. Instead of indulging in luxuries just because they’re accessible, consider practicing self-discipline. Looking back, you’ll be thankful for the things you did today.

Sagittarius: Don’t get caught up in the past. Routines that once worked may no longer be helpful, but this may not be the time to change. Someone might misunderstand your efforts to stay focused or be confused by your decisions.

Capricorn: Be careful of anything that may persuade you to act against your best interest. Achieving financial stability may require going the extra mile. Consider focusing on your goal as hard work is a steppingstone toward greater things.

Aquarius: Leave risk taking to expert circus performers and trapeze artists. Rather than risking it all climbing up on the high wire, or going out on a limb by yourself, consider sticking with the group. A new friend might give you good advice.

Pisces: Criticism and precision may be better suited when applied to hobbies rather than people. Be kind to loved ones and appreciate their need to occasionally be alone. Do what you can to cultivate peace and harmony.

If Sept. 1 is your birthday: You could feel more ambitious than usual during the upcoming three to four weeks. You may take needle moving actions to possibly get further ahead. Paying attention to detail might help you put smart routines and strategies to work on your behalf.

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency