Aries: You might not compromise your ideals just to receive someone’s approval. Consider that an attitude of give and take may be necessary to achieve harmony or to produce a functioning team. Generosity and thoughtfulness could lead to cooperation.

Taurus: Even when your goals are simple, an unexpected change could throw you off course. Rather than fighting the disruption, consider looking for ways to integrate it into your plans. You haven’t lost traction; you may have gained an advantage.

Gemini: If you are looking too far ahead you might not notice what you are stepping in. Plan a brilliant future while you are living in the present. Think of ways to avoid the obstacles and traps and you might be able to attain your goals much faster.

Cancer: There is always a potential for growth and understanding in every situation. Think carefully about any mistakes you’ve made and pay attention to their lessons. Even when things seem to go wrong you can gain so many benefits and insights.

Leo: You’re not playing a zero-sum game. It’s possible for everyone to win if everyone cooperates and works together. You may feel inclined to demonstrate your generosity. Find a solution that offers everyone most of what they want.

Virgo: One single candle can light dozens of other candles without diminishing its own light. In the same way, someone else’s enthusiasm may spark your excitement and interest. You might feel at your best when engaged in group activities.

Libra: Some of the greatest concepts can come from random interactions and stray thoughts that you could never reproduce. It’s important to take notes when inspiration strikes. Bring those ideas to life and demonstrate your full range of creativity.

Scorpio: Encouragement from someone may help you believe in yourself. Lean into accepting goodwill and kindnesses from others without feeling that it diminishes your power. Reach out and touch base with your friends and connections.

Sagittarius: Give your passion project the attention to detail it deserves. Don’t blur the edges or cut corners just to make it "good enough." There could be evaluations you weren’t expecting that might judge you by a higher level of standards.

Capricorn: Detach from a sense of lack to manifest more effectively. You might be attracted to things that seem better than they are but might not withstand questioning. Have fun visualizing but be careful of acting on a whim.

Aquarius: Take advantage of changing circumstances. Someone might give you the opportunity to show off your originality and innovative methods. Keep your eyes open; there might be amazing new opportunities just waiting for you to notice.

Pisces: Fire drills are held so that no one is surprised when and if something happens. How you train is likely how you will respond. Think of that when you are developing a cohesive group — learn to work together and be prepared for anything.

If Oct. 17 is your birthday: You may possess an extra helping of what it takes to rise above the ordinary as the next five to six weeks unfold. You might be more popular and open-minded than usual, which may allow you to make admirable progress by welcoming new people into your circle. This could be a particularly nice time for you to make crucial changes or important decisions that might alter your life for the better. It may be challenging to focus on material concerns, so consider waiting to alter any of your investments. Your social card could fill up with invitations and events in December when you may shine in any gathering. Do your best to avoid confrontations or arguments in January when belligerence or resistance could land you in hot water. You might achieve your financial and business ambitions in early February by being both savvy and practical.

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency