Vandenberg’s toxic plan

On June 7, the Coastal Commission decides on Vandenberg Air Force Base’s plan for 48 rocket launches per year and 48 rocket tests per year via a new space complex for Phantom Space Company.

Rockets destroy the ozone layer by burn-up, reactive chemicals, and de-orbiting. Long-lasting rocket pollution in the stratosphere then blocks the sun’s rays from replenishing the ozone layer. The pollution also traps Earth’s heat like a blanket, preventing it from venting into space. These launches and tests also grossly pollute air, land, water and ocean, harming all life. L.A. area residents learned this from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory rocket testing.

The accelerating ecocide by the military and commercial space industry, including Elon Musk’s SpaceX satellite constellations, and space tourism cause climate change, gross pollution, and the destruction of our life-giving atmosphere. The time to stop this is now.

— Nina Beety, Monterey

Fiscal insanity

Not much of a surprise, the spending insanity continues in DC. The spineless Republicans and socialist Democrats apparently have reached an agreement as to how much they want to screw the taxpayers this time. Speaker Charlie McCarthy touts a $2.1 trillion reduction which will add $4 trillion to our national debt over the next two years! How is that a reduction? Political spin is what it is! Within the next 10 years it is estimated that the interest alone on our debt will reach one trillion. Trillion is a large number, if your resting heart rate is 60, every breath you take is approximately $31,688.74 of interest. Pardon me if I am somewhat skeptical, but all of this is sure nonsense that further burdens our unsustainable national debt, which will lead to financial ruin for this country in the future. The only way DC will pay off this debt, if ever, is to tax, tax, tax the half of the wage-earners who pay all the taxes. When will these fiscally myopic idiots realize their incompetence is destroying the country?

Vote them out of office, when elections are upon us vote for the person who will do the best job for the country, don’t just vote your affiliated party.

— Raymond Souza, Corral de Tierra

Volunteer responders

On Friday, May 26, a major fire occurred in a historic Pacific Grove Victorian building. Fire departments from all across our region assisted either at the fire scene or with staffing Monterey Fire Stations. The volunteer Monterey Community Emergency Response Team was activated to provide fire scene support. Nineteen CERT members responded to the alert. CERT set-up a complete National Fire Protection Association Firefighter Rehabilitation station. This creates a designated area where fire crews come, remove much of their protective clothing, sit and rest in a shaded cooling area, get hydration and have their vital signs and condition assessed. Once rested and re-hydrated, firefighters were also given lunch in the rehab area. A special thanks to Lucy’s on Lighthouse for bringing dozens of lunches to the scene unsolicited! CERT members also relieved police officers of traffic control and roadblock duties at five different locations around the area. All the equipment necessary to perform these tasks is brought to the scene by CERT members. Thirty-three firefighters were processed through the firefighter rehab station.

CERT members reside in all areas across our region. This incident was an outstanding example of how our Peninsula comes together during an emergency!

— Demetrius Kastros, Monterey


An editorial on state flood aid on Friday’s opinion page reported an incorrect Monterey County Supervisor District for Pajaro. It is in District 2, which is represented by Glenn Church. Pajaro is not in District 1, which is represented by Luis Alejo.