De Serpa has grassroots support in District 2

When you look at the two candidates for 2nd District supervisor, it’s clear that Kim De Serpa has the overwhelming support of the grassroots voters. Look at her website and you see over 600 endorsers, four times the number of endorsers for Kristen Brown. By contrast, a look at Brown’s website shows endorsements mostly from Santa Cruz politicians outside District 2 and unions and special interests. Many of these unions will have contracts before the county that the supervisors will need to approve.

The 2nd District voters have always opted for independence in their supervisor, which is why the unmatched grassroots support for Kim De Serpa will prevail in this election.

— Renee Roberts, Aptos

Working people endorsing Brown in 2nd District

Kristen Brown has the experience and heart to represent we the people of the 2nd District of Santa Cruz County.

Kristen has a wealth of on-the-job experience as well as a long list of credible endorsements from working people, unions, fire, police, sheriffs and many, many others.

There are Santa Cruz County commissioners who ignore the will of the voters and cater to the whims of wealthy benefactors who back their campaigns. They care little for the working citizens of this county and for the critical needs of the working people of this area.

As 2nd District supervisor, Kristen will bring her wealth of experience, honesty and ability to get things done to the job. She will honestly represent the working people of Santa Cruz County.

— Don Redmon, Watsonville

Choose De Serpa for her ‘compassion … dedication’

As a 40-year resident of Santa Cruz County and District 2, I was very appreciative when Kim De Serpa chose to run for the District 2 county supervisor. As an emergency physician, I worked with Kim, an ER social worker, in the Dominican ER. I was always extremely impressed by her compassion, intelligence and dedication to patients’ needs by problem solving. The challenges were diverse and often complicated. Needs related to abuse (all types), neglect, shelter, food, natural disasters, acute and chronic illness with deterioration, disability, … etc.

Kim is a concerned listener combined with a tenacious “can-do” commitment. She was resourceful and effective and very knowledgeable about assistance programs, regulations and navigating through barriers.

I am sure Kim is not running for political reasons or career aspirations. She is running out of a commitment to serve her community and county. Her unbiased character, integrity, intelligence and extensive knowledge of county operations add up to an extremely well-qualified supervisor.

Kim De Serpa is offering outstanding knowledge and skills; hopefully District 2 will choose her.

— Andrew K. Nevitt, Aptos

Big Soda trying to buy vote to defeat Measure Z

It’s no secret that the soda industry is spending a record-breaking amount of money to defeat Measure Z, the sugar-added beverage tax on the Nov. 5 ballot. Halfway through the campaign, they spent about $850,000 to defeat the measure. By the end of the campaign, they are certain to spend over $50 per registered voter to defeat the measure, which is primarily intended to address concerns about diabetes, heart disease and other diseases that are at a crisis level, particularly in the low income and Latino communities.

It is interesting to note that the money they are spending on the campaign would pay for the tax on over 4 million 12-ounce cans of soda.

Will Santa Cruz voters let Big Soda buy an election in Santa Cruz?

— Mike Rotkin, former Mayor of Santa Cruz

A plea to make your vote count on global warming

Friends: There is a huge cohort of U.S. citizens that cannot vote. They are our children. Having worked with them in the Pajaro Valley Unified School District for 35 years, I am going to channel their voice in regards to the most important election this country has ever had:

“Please vote for a good future for us by electing only politicians who understand that global warming could ruin our lives.”

— Don Eggleston, Aptos