The Rev. Michael Yadron of Munster’s St. Thomas More Parish has been named temporary administrator for the Gary Roman Catholic Diocese, according to a release.

He will remain at St. Tom’s while leading the Gary Diocese until Pope Francis names a replacement for Bishop Donald Hying, officials said.

Yadron, 62, has been at St. Tom’s since 2003. A Madison, Wis. native, Hying was named as Madison’s new church leader in April. He was installed June 25.

Canon law, or church governing rules, require a replacement to be elected by the Diocese’s College of Consultors within eight days of a vacancy, the release stated.

Yadron said he would welcome the next Gary bishop.

“I have every confidence that the diocesan pastoral staff, College of Consultors, priests, religious, deacons and laity will come together to pray and work as we await the pope’s announcement of the fifth bishop of Gary,” Yadron said in a release.

As Diocesan Administrator, Yadron will have most of the authority of a bishop, a Diocese spokeswoman said. His task is to provide continuity until the new bishop arrives.

In a Mass dedicated to the Gary Diocese’s faithful, Yadron told Diocesan staff and the College of Consultors he would set a collaborative tone, while working mostly from behind the scenes.

“The faithful can be assured that canon law provides for the absence of a bishop,” he said in a statement. “Immediately upon the vacancy of the see, the College of Consultors were empowered to oversee diocesan operations. As the administrator, it becomes my responsibility to make certain the diocese continues to function until a new bishop is named.”

The church requires a temporary leader to be over 35, “outstanding in doctrine and prudence”, and must live within the diocese. Yadron was ordained in May 1983 at Gary’s Holy Angels Cathedral by founding Gary Diocese Bishop Andrew Grutka, according to the statement.

Prior to St. Thomas More, he served as Diaconate Formation Director in 1998, Michigan City’s Queen of All Saints pastor in 1994, Dyer’s St. Maria Goretti pastor in 1994, temporary associate pastor at Griffith’s St. Mary in 1994, Indiana State Prison chaplain in Michigan City in 1991, Gary’s Holy Trinity pastor/administrator in 1986, a teacher at Hammond’s Bishop Noll Institute in 1983 and 1985, Carmelite Home for Boys chaplain in Hammond in 1985, curate at Hammond’s St. John Bosco in 1983 and 1984, temporary administrator at Gary’s Ss. Monica & Luke in 1984, Valparaiso’s Camp Lawrence director in 1984, Catholic Youth Organization associate director in 1984, Camp Lawrence chaplain and director in 1983, according to the statement.