Donald Trump’s debate performance was pathetic

At the recent debate, when asked how to end the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, Trump said all he needs to do is talk to his good buddies over there and the conflicts will disappear. The result would probably be similar to when he negotiated terms for an Afghanistan exit that bypassed the country’s government and put 5,000 jailed Taliban terrorists back on the streets.


When asked how he would fix the Affordable Care Act (ACA), as he claims only he can do, Trump mentioned “concepts” of a plan that he will reveal shortly. Somehow those “concepts” were nonexistent during the four years he was president, four years in which he repeatedly tried to eliminate ACA and replace it with — nothing.


When asked about killing the bipartisan border security bill, Trump went off on political rallies, how America is a failing country, how we’re looking at the threat of WW3, and how immigrants are eating the pets in Springfield, Ohio. Not a word about border security.


When the question was about Harris’ previous position on fracking, Trump talked about her supposed support for transgender operations on illegal immigrants in prison. The connection between those issues is pretty hard to grasp.


When asked how he would deport 11 million undocumented immigrants using the National Guard, the military and local police, Trump riffed on countries around the world dumping millions of violent criminals on us, how violent crime is down everywhere except here, and how the FBI statistics on violent crimes, specifically showing decreased levels in America, are frauds. Not a word on implementing a domestic deportation program.


And millions of Americans continue to believe that this guy is the Second Coming and will lead us all to the Promised Land.


— Paul Atcheson, Longmont

Vote Anil for a stronger, more diverse Erie council

In today’s political climate, the phrase “diversity is our strength” may seem clichéd, but it remains a fundamental cornerstone of our society. Our collective strength lies in embracing and celebrating our differences.

Rather than viewing our country as a melting pot, think of it as a salad bowl, as Professor Stafford from the University of Florida would remind his class during my undergraduate studies. Professor Stafford was one of my favorite professors, and his insight into race and the law in America was profound. He would reflect that each ingredient in a salad brings its own unique flavor, just as our diverse backgrounds — whether Black, White, or from various ethnic groups — contribute to a richer, more resilient American identity.

In this context, Anil Pesaramelli is an exceptional candidate. Born in India and having moved here, Anil has worked tirelessly to build a life, raise a family and make significant contributions to our community.

As a front-line worker in Healthcare IT, he plays a crucial role in protecting our information and securing our data from cybercriminals and data thieves.

A small town like Eerie would greatly benefit from Anil’s cybersecurity expertise. His skills are essential for safeguarding the town’s information and infrastructure in today’s digital age.

At this critical time for our democracy, we need a voice like Anil’s on the Erie Town Council — a voice that combines expertise in IT and cybersecurity with a deep commitment to community values. Anil is well-equipped to address modern challenges and enhance our town’s security and well-being.

As you vote for the two available seats on the Eerie Town Council, I urge you to choose Anil Pesaramelli. He represents our commitment to diversity and has the expertise to protect and improve our community.

— Junie Joseph, Boulder