Although it’s not an option, I feel I could skip this last stage completely. What can I do to reignite my passion for parenting? It doesn’t help that my daughter is going through a mouthy stage and can be very difficult to deal with.
I’m going to assume that parenting your sons through this stage was different. You were younger, for one thing. And sons typically (though not always) experience their teen years with their parents as a discreet pulling back, where daughters tend to confront.
Please try to see this as a young woman finding her voice, even when you know she is just being obnoxious. My experience with girls (five of them) is that they seem to want to describe their lives and experiences, while pushing back and/or outright rejecting parental response or counsel. You will do a lot of listening. She will seem to do very little.
Your sons might be of some help to you now. You should urge them to keep in touch with their sister. They can help to translate some of your decisions for her. She might be less mouthy toward you if she feels supported by them.
You should also seek the support and counsel of other moms. Commiseration and a glass of wine have helped many moms of teens live to fight another day. And I will quote my own mother, who saw her three daughters through many stages, sometimes with a sigh, saying, “This too shall pass.”
The boss in my workplace wants everyone to get to know one another and socialize. This involves lunchtime potlucks (off the clock) and get-to-know-you activities at meetings that would make any introvert want to crawl into a hole and never come out.
My question: To what extent do we HAVE to participate in these things, if at all? They are NOT a part of my work program.
Your boss’s motives are to provide a more positive professional experience. Social interactions at work can help to create cohesion, and — for many — might enhance their experience, communication and work performance. Other people find these forced interactions fake, unnecessary or boring.
But for you, these gatherings may throw you off your game and impede your performance at work.
You will probably have to find ways to tolerate some of these team-building exercises if they are folded into meetings. But you should not have to attend a potluck if you don’t want to.
If you haven’t already, read “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking,” by Susan Cain (2013, Broadway Books). Your boss should read it, too.
Wow, this sounds like my parents. My father was Mr. Wonderful to the outside world. The fact is — at home, privately — he was a monster. Friends did not believe my mother’s account of the abuse because he was “so nice!” She became more open about the abuse to others, hoping that someone would listen.
Copyright 2019 by Amy Dickinson
Distributed by Tribune Content Agency