As the spirit of the holiday season inspires community-building and reflection, we, the chief executives of the city of Pasadena, Pasadena Unified School District and Pasadena City College are committed to maintaining safe and welcoming spaces for everyone.
During this time of transition in our national political leadership, it’s important to reaffirm our shared commitment to safety and respect for all, regardless of race, immigration status, identity or circumstance.
The city of Pasadena is mindful of the need to ensure that all residents should be able to call on essential city services without fear arising from their identity or status. The city adopted a policy in March 2017 that city employees must maintain the confidentiality of residents’ personal information (especially regarding immigration status, religion, sexual orientation and ethnicity), shall provide services without discrimination, and are prohibited from assisting in federal immigration enforcement unless legally required.
Pasadena Unified schools are safe and protected spaces, with federal and state laws in place, along with longstanding policies and practices, to ensure campuses are safe and welcoming places regardless of the immigration status or citizenship of our students and their families. We assure you that vital services such as school meal programs; teaching and learning; and arts, enrichment, and athletic programs continue uninterrupted and that our priority is the well-being and safety of all students. Support is available for students who may be feeling increased anxiety during this time, and we ask that you contact your school’s wellness center or mental health professionals if you have any concerns.
“Our longstanding commitment has always been to our students and their well-being. We believe that every child deserves to feel safe and supported in their learning environment,” says PUSD Superintendent Elizabeth Blanco. “By removing obstacles and committing to a culture of inclusion and respect, we create schools that are not only welcoming and safe, but where all students — regardless of race, immigration status, identity or circumstance — are valued for everything that they are, and everything they can become.”
Pasadena City College takes seriously its responsibility to its students and their families — no matter their national background, ethnicity, or immigration or citizenship status — to take part in programs and receive services without fear. Like our city leaders, the PCC Board of Trustees passed a resolution in March 2017 affirming the security of any personally identifiable information that the college possesses. PCC stands behind its steadfast commitment to realizing the potential of its students and their families, strongly rejecting any attempt to discriminate, harass, or otherwise harm residents of our community.
“Pasadena City College has a foundational commitment to helping all students reach their potential through education – regardless of their immigration status or gender,” says José A. Gómez, PCC’s superintendent/president. “The college continues to be the warm, safe community it has been for generations of Lancers. Undocumented students, DACA students, international students, LGBTQ+ students and all students have a home here at PCC and the unwavering support of our community.”
Together, as public servants and cultural leaders, our highest priority is the safety and well-being of students and employees in our schools; our residents; and neighbors, workers, and visitors. We appreciate the respect, kindness and sensitivity that so many of you are demonstrating to help us maintain a safe and supportive environment for students in our schools and colleges, as well as everyone in our community.
In gathering with family and friends this holiday season, we look forward to coming together as a community. Pasadenans can take comfort in knowing we are committed to maintaining the safety and security of all in our region.
Miguel Márquez is Pasadena city manager. Elizabeth Blanco is superintendent of the Pasadena Unified School District. José A. Gómez is superintendent/president of the Pasadena Area Community College District.