MENTOR Minnesota recruits caring adults to help introduce a child to new ideas and opportunities through mentoring. Here’s one of the kids who could use a mentor’s help.
First name: Steven
Age: 13
Interests: Steven enjoys music, dance. He enjoys art as well as football, baseball, soccer and tennis. He enjoys food, especially enchiladas and eating at Red Lobster. He also enjoys holidays a lot.
Personality/Characteristics: His guardian describes him as shy, nervous, loud. The three words/phrases he uses to describe himself are: Chill, talkative, creative.
Goals/dreams: When he grows he wants to be a pro basketball or football player or have his own YouTube channel. If he could have three wishes he would want: 1) $1 million every day 2) want every gaming platform 3) Go to California. His guardian hopes a Kids ‘n Kinship mentor will get Steven involved in more active things, and help him get another positive role model in his life. Mom notes: “My son has a hard time learning and only wants to invest his time in video games and YouTube.”
For more information: Steven is waiting for a mentor through Kids n’ Kinship in Dakota County. To learn more about this agency, contact Kids n’ Kinship at or 952-892-6368. For more information about mentoring, contact MENTOR MN at 612-399-0222 or check its online list of mentoring programs at under “Get Involved” and drop down to “Find a Program.”