Wolf plan should focus on reintroduction, not hunting

I’ve lived in Colorado my whole life, and I’m not the first to say it, but I love it here! I love the outdoors, especially hiking. Some of my favorite hiking spots are Chautauqua Park and Blue Lakes Trail. I love our public spaces, and I love when Coloradans commit to nurturing and protecting them.

I want to see our environment thrive, and the reintroduction of gray wolves is a big part of that. Not only are they an iconic symbol of wild unbridled nature, but they also help protect our ecosystems as a keystone species that prevents overpopulation and habitat destruction. As a Colorado native and nature enthusiast, I want to see it implemented properly.

In November 2020 when we voted on Proposition 114 to reintroduce wolves to Colorado, we voted to focus on conservation and science so that wolves and Coloradans could coexist peacefully. However, as a guest opinion by Aubyn Royall explains, the Wolf Restoration and Management Draft Plan falls short of this ideal. In Phase Four of the plan, wolves are considered a big game species, which opens the door for trophy hunting, despite the fact that Prop. 114 specified that wolves would be considered a nongame species. Royall stresses that “Phase Four is irresponsible and should be removed from the draft plan altogether,” quite a reasonable demand considering the premise of Prop. 114.

This conversation about game hunting is premature. In order to preserve our ecosystem’s future, our concern should be about reintroducing them in the most scientific way. We voted for reintroduction, not hunting.

— Jordan Koler, Denver

Power of violence blinds us to our respect for life

We care for each. If a neighbor needs us we respond, in big ways and small ways. We respect human life.

Yet, we look the other way in the face of what happens in a war. People build churches and schools and hospitals and then destroy them. We, the people, kill each other just for the sake of revenge and killing, without any reckoning in court.

What is all this? My mind is numb, my heart is in remorse. What should I do? Why such violence in human hearts? I have seen it before during ethnic riots in India — people with blazing eyes as if in a trance, to kill, even those who they have been their friends. Such is the power of violence.

— Rishi Raj, Boulder

Reframing makes lemonade from lemons

“The morning” with a cup of coffee or tea begins at different times of day. It could be six, seven or eight for those with daily commutes or on remote east coast work schedules. It could be nine or even ten for retired folks.

“The weekend morning” can begin early or late depending on the chosen activities for the day.

Regardless, when the Daily Camera does not appear in one’s driveway to accompany the morning ritual, a person can experience disappointment, frustration or annoyance.

For a moment, please think about the delivery person. They could have had car trouble, been sick, overslept, had a family emergency or just momentarily succumbed to the issues in life. So how about renaming the Daily Camera to The Occasional Camera? That way, when it shows up regardless of the time of day or day of week one can simply say: “Ahhh. The Occasional Camera is here. What a delight!”

After all, isn’t reframing making lemonade from lemons, accentuating the positive, whatever you want to call it … a healthier, enriching life hack to embrace?

— Elynne Hering, Boulder