Trump the prevaricator

Most of us laugh at, are disgusted by, or despair over Trump’s dishonest prevarication and wildly exaggerated and ridiculous statements. How can so many people be deceived so easily? The following explanation tries to show the dynamic of this process in its most simple and candid way.

A lie creates a false understanding or belief about reality. We are deceived about what is real or true. Such deceit causes confusion. Confusion leads to fear; we are afraid since we are in a state of illusion where we can’t believe or trust our experience or what is presented to us. Next, this dynamic causes anger so we blame something, most often whomever made us confused and angry. To free ourselves from this pain, we strike out, hurt, or try to destroy whatever is causing this state of illusion and confusion. Finally, we need and want someone to relieve us from this anger and confused reality, someone to protect us from this pain and threat.

Trump uses this dynamic when he lies that the 2020 election was stolen from him. He confuses MAGA Republicans and election deniers who believe this calculated deceit. They become afraid because they don’t know what really happened and therefore get angry about the election process in 2024 because they believe his lie about 2020. Their confusion, fear, and anger causes them to blame election officials whom they harass or violently threaten, acting on the illusion that people are voting illegally or interfering with voting machines in 2024. As a result, they try to convince others that Donald Trump as president will deport hordes of illegal immigrants who are voting illegally, committing crimes and stealing white people’s jobs. Trump followers are the confused, fearful, angry, violent MAGA Republicans whom he has convinced that only he can save them from the false problems of the illusory world he has enveloped them in.

— John M. Lee, Boulder