East Chicago

More accurate, it turned into a carnival — complete with animals, games, crafts, balloons and traditional fair food.
“This (event) is a great way to get the kids out and away from their electronics,” said Kari Parker, of East Chicago. “I signed up all three of my kids for the summer reading, it will be good for them.”
All activities, except for the animal show presented by employees of the Michigan City Zoo, were held outdoors in the main library’s rear parking lot. Featured were bowling games, wheel spinning, bean bags and color buckets.
“(This) is good for the children who signed up for the summer program,” said Jackie Mobley, with her grandsons, Anthony Henderson, 4, and Cameron Mobley, 14. “It’s important so they can get the feel of being around other readers that enjoy what they’re doing.”
Kiana King believes her two children will benefit in many ways as they make reading books a focus while on school vacation.
“Reading is fundamental for kids,” she said. “It gives them a head start for school and helps them to expand their vocabulary.”
This year’s theme, It’s Showtime at the Library, suggests to participants to choose library materials that expand their curiosity and creativity.
The free six-week program is designed to stretch the imaginations and sharpen the reading skills of all ages.
Participants who complete their reading goal during the summer, which varies among age groups, will receive a certificate of achievement during closing ceremonies at the end of July. In addition, the top three readers in each age group at each location will be recognized.
Participants also have the opportunity to earn prizes, based on the number of books they read.
Readers can participate in the Summer Reading Club at any one of the East Chicago Public Library’s location six locations.