What’s Quickly? It’s where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email quickly@post-trib.com.
Can someone tell Donnie that these tanks he needs so desperately for his political rally/4th of July celebration weigh over 70 tons? They will tear up the streets for no good reason. Is this his way of starting Infrastructure Week?
If I want to see a tank just sitting there, I have one in Crown Point. Tell Trump that a sitting tank is not a parade.
The RNC is giving out tickets to Trump’s July 4th Celebration to their top donors. What was supposed to be a nonpolitical, nonpartisan, celebration on the National Mall, will now be a multi-million dollar, taxpayer-financed political rally.
Fox Network’s bloviator-in-residence Tucker Carlson defends Trump’s cozy association with dictators like Putin, Kim, and the Saudi prince, MBS, pointing out that it’s all part of Trump’s emerging leadership skill. After all, he observes, “to lead a country, it means killing people.” Honestly, he actually said that.
Christine Lagarde rolls her eyes and turns away as Ivanka interrupts the conversation to note male domination of the defense industry. One almost feels bad for Ivanka, so clearly out of her depth. But if this is an embarrassing moment for Ivanka, it’s a mortifying one for the people who are paying for her trip there, the American people. And also, what parent would set their own child up, to be so publicly humiliated like that?
Kaepernick is now telling Nike what shoes to produce?
White House demands “Leave Ivanka Alone!” Hey, if she can’t handle the heat, she needs to get out of the kitchen.
Yet again this morning, Trump is complaining about Robert Mueller testifying in front of Congress. If there was no collusion or corruption, why does Trump keep obsessing about it? He should be happy to have Mueller testify openly and have the public hear it.
As you’re not a police officer, I don’t see how police attire affects you in any way, but may I suggest — instead of complaining in Quickly — you take your concerns to the chief law enforcement officer in your area. Simply tell he or she that you don’t like what officers are wearing, you consider them an occupying force, and you want to be treated with dignity. This might not do any good, but you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you did all you could to bring about the reforms you feel are needed.
Vote Republican if you are happy that Trump found jobs in the government for his family who can’t pass the security clearance process.
Trump and the Republican party are at the point of no return. The person in the Oval Office is incompetent and needs to be removed. The Republicans have stood by and turned a blind eye to this. As a veteran who served this country, I never thought I would have to fight a terror from within. I will work as hard as I can to defeat Republicans in ever election until our nation is again restored to its honor and greatest again.
Trump’s new press secretaryis going to make a number of changes in his press operations because Trump often complains that he continues to generate what he views as terrible coverage. He gets terrible press coverage because he is a terrible person. Mystery solved.
Many parents steer their children into taking over the family business. The United States Government is not a family business, nor is it a monarchy. The children of elected officials are not automatically given the next open position.
Tanks on the national mall. Military jets doing flyovers. All he needs is a military uniform and a chest full of medals. Banana republics with dictators act like this not the President of the United States. Then again the only people he respects are tyrants and murderers.
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