Q: When is the due date for filing my 2024 personal tax return?
A: The due date is Tuesday, April 15. As long as you have the April 15 postmark, your tax return is considered on time. Taxpayers needing an extension have until Oct. 15 to file their 2024 tax returns. Regardless of the extension, any tax liability must be paid by April 15.
Q: What is the standard deduction for 2024?
A: For married couples, it is $29,200 plus $1,550 for each spouse age 65 or over. For single filers, it is $14,600 plus $1,950 if age 65 or over. And for heads of households, it is $21,900 plus $1,950 if age 65 or older.
Q: What is the 2024 threshold for medical expenses?
A: Any medical expense above 7.5% of your AGI (adjusted gross income) is deductible on Schedule A. If Schedule A is less than your standard deduction, then you will use the standard deduction.
Richard Rysiewski, a certified financial planner, welcomes all questions on tax and financial matters. Send them to Richard Rysiewski, Financial Doctor, 3001 Hartford Lane, Shelby Twp., MI 48316.