Hallmark Channel released four new movies in January as part of its Winter Escape lineup, culminating with “The Perfect Setting” on Jan. 25.“The Perfect Setting” stars Laci J. Mailey and David Elsendoorn. Hallmark Channel fans have previously seen Mailey in the series “Chesapeake Shores” as well as the film “Betty’s Bad Luck in Love.”

Elsendoorn, meanwhile, appeared in the 2023 Hallmark Channel film “My Norwegian Holiday.” The Dutch actor, who bears a striking resemblance to a young Brad Pitt, plays a Belgian jeweler in “The Perfect Setting.”

Hallmark Channel regularly releases new content — there are four new movies coming in February 2025 alone — and some of the feel-good films are better than others.

“The Perfect Setting” is a nice new addition to the network’s content library. It has all the elements of a good Hallmark movie; the sweet love story plays out against the backdrop of a picturesque European city, and the kindhearted heroine discovers what matters most to her in the end. Simple but effective, it’s the perfect thing to watch with a mug of hot cocoa on a cold winter’s night.

If you’re not sure whether “The Perfect Setting” seems worth watching, here’s a breakdown of the movie’s strengths and weaknesses:

The Premise: 3 out of 5 stars

The Perfect Setting’s premise is fairly straightforward. Abby Vandenbrink (Mailey) does repairs at a jewelry store in Chicago, but she dreams of designing her own pieces. When she learns that her grandfather’s (Hans Royaard) jewelry shop in Antwerp, Belgium, is struggling financially, she decides to take a trip abroad and help him.

While in Antwerp, Abby decides to enter the annual Valentine’s Day Diamond Contest in the hopes of winning the prize money for her grandfather. She also agrees to help rival jeweler Alexander Remy (David Elsendoorn) think more creatively in exchange for advice about making her grandfather’s shop more profitable.

While Hallmark fans love a protagonist taking a trip to help with the family business — and contests are always a fun plot device — The Perfect Setting’s premise is not as exciting or unique as some other Hallmark Channel films.

The Plot Twists: 4 out of 5 stars

“The Perfect Setting” is the ideal watch if you’re looking to escape real-world problems, as there’s only a little bit of drama.

Some viewers might be able to predict the plot twist that occurs with Alexander and his father, Pieter Remy, (John Koensgen), but Elsendoorn’s strong performance makes the slightly contrived conflict seem believable, and the resolution is genuinely satisfying and sweet. There’s also a reveal about Abby and Alexander’s past relationships that fleshes out the characters nicely.

The Romance: 5 out of 5 stars

Abby and Alexander’s love story is truly a delight to watch. Alexander gets on Abby’s nerves a little bit initially, but she soon sees that the polished businessman has a good heart. Abby’s grandfather and Alexander’s father are business rivals who don’t approve of them spending time together amid the Valentine’s Day Diamond Contest, but that doesn’t stop the pair from forming a bond.

The slightly forbidden nature of their relationship is the least interesting part of Abby and Alexander’s dynamic. They have genuine chemistry, whether they’re joking around or slow dancing. And the way Alexander looks at Abby is exactly why people watch romance movies.

Alexander and Abby’s relationship isn’t the only strong connection of the film. Abby’s sweet bond with her grandfather, and the way he talks about his late wife, is another highlight of “The Perfect Setting.”

The Setting: 5 out of 5 stars

“The Perfect Setting” lives up to its name with its Belgian locale. The movie is filled with delightful shots of Antwerp’s charming cobblestone streets and eclectic mix of old and new architecture.