It is now summer.Take care and enjoy. Don’t forget that sunscreen lotion. Make sure you take care of yourself. It is hot out there.

Regarding the comment that recreational drug use is a misnomer and referring to those who use recreational marijuana users as apprentice junkies is tantamount to referring to those who drink alcohol as apprentice alcoholics. One should not use a wide paint brush to portray an image of some as an image of all. Personal bias does not reflect the view of the majority, nor should that personal bias be a measuring stick for others.

Bonnie, Tinley Park

Democrats like U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin and Gov. J.B. Pritzker try to present themselves as being for the little guy. Yeah, they are for the little guy alright. Property taxes in Illinois are among the highest in the United States… . No one wants to buy a house with such high property taxes. People are leaving the state. Democrats then have the nerve to try to portray themselves as being for the little guy.

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