The University of Colorado Boulder will co-host the Right Here, Right Now Global Climate Summit that will be held at the University of Oxford in June.

The University of Oxford will coordinate with universities around the world, including CU Boulder, as it hosts climate-related programs over four days from June 4 to June 7.

“The University of Colorado Boulder is proud to have been the inaugural host and now a co-host of the Americas for this important global climate summit,” CU Boulder Chancellor Justin Schwartz said in a release. “As a world leader in climate science research, we are honored to be amongst the world’s top universities that will leverage the knowledge of our faculty experts and youth to address the global climate crisis.”

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the University of Oxford will bring together renowned experts and leaders, policymakers, technologists, celebrities, academics and universities to advance climate justice through human rights solutions to the climate crisis.

CU Boulder hosted the inaugural Right Here, Right Now Global Climate Summit in December of 2022. Aroudn 4,300 people representing 99 countries attended in-person and virtually, engaging in conversations about the impacts of climate change around the world on vulnerable populations and how to identify pathways to equitable solutions.

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